Enabling Debug in the Support File
Enabling Debug in the Support File
Procedure on how to enable debug in the Support File
Step-by-step guide
Retrievers should be restarted after turning on the debug mode . Only in this case we can have an additional information in the Support File. Turn on the Debug Mode ON. Restart target retrievers. Wait until problem appear again. Create Support File. Turn the Debug Mode Off.
- Login to the server with ssh (as "sos")
- Switch to root with "su -"
- # cd /opt/sarch/common/etc
- # cp logger_mretr.conf logger_mretr.conf.original
- # vi logger_mretr.conf
- Edit first 3 lines to become:
- Let system run for 15 minutes
- # cp logger_mretr.conf logger_mretr.conf.debug
- # cp logger_mretr.conf.original logger_mretr.conf
- Collect Support File
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