Manually collecting Support File
Manually collecting Support File
If you can't create Support File using automatic function in the Stratus, you can follow these manual steps.
Recommendations on how to collect support files manually from the master server.
Step-by-step guide
- As a first step type "df" command and collect information about free space.
- Switch user to 'apl'
- Copy and pack directory: /var/sarch/log
- $ tar -czvf /path/to/archive/logs.tgz /var/sarch/log
- Pay attention: /path/to/archive is not a directory , this is just example where you will put your packed file. So please choose your directory. ( /home or /home/sos/ ) or create a new one if you need it.
- We will also need the following directory: /var/sarch/sf/node
- Pack it with the following command: $ tar -czvf /path/to/archive/sf_node.tgz /var/sarch/sf/node (also choose your directory for archive file
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