Joining Video Chunks

Joining Video Chunks

You have collected video chunks from your Stratus server, now you need to join them to create video clip.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Find the relevant chunks of the action in the archive (archive uses UTC time).
  2. Example for camera 128, 4:00 AM EDT (8AM UTC) March 27: # cd /vasm/store/va-3.3.0/128/140327/08-01/

  3. Create location where demo chunks will be stored

    # mkdir /opt/demo/data

  4. Copy chunks for each camera to demo/data accordingly with format and resolution. If multiple chunks covers the action then concatenate them together. Example:

    cat 130623084430.h264 130623084500.h264 > /opt/demo/data/5-back_office.352x240.h264

    Where 5-back_office.352x240.h264 is the final example file name