02 - System Admin Quickstart Guide

02 - System Admin Quickstart Guide

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JetStream UI Introduction


UI Layout

01 Navigation Bar: Navigates to the different parts and sections of the UI

02 Content Navigation: After selecting from the Navigation bar, this section of the UI will show sub-navigation options

03 Content Area: Displays the content chosen from Content Navigation

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View Preview

When in Views, hover over the desired view to see a preview of its layout

Edit Mode

This mode allows the user to edit/create custom views with widgets and customizable preferences

01 View Info/Widgets/Preferences Panel: All the editable options available for the view

02 Panel Layout Area: Customizable panel space. Sets the layout parameters for the view

JS edit Layout.png
JS usage Layout.png

Usage Mode

This mode presents every item placed in the edit mode in its live/working status

01 View Selector: Lists all available views. Select a view to see its content

02 Content Area: Displays the widgets, layout, and content previously assigned 

WebUI vs Desktop App

The difference between the WebUI and desktop application is that there is an additional feature for the desktop application -'Cast to Display’

Cast to Display - If 2 or more monitors are connected to the workstation, then this function allows you to open any 'View' on a separate monitor

Widget Guide

Widgets available in the View Editor





Camera Live Viewer

Presents a live view of a selected camera

Archive Viewer

Presents a video archive of a selected camera


Displays events that have occurred on devices or in the realm in real time

Event Details

Drag and drop events from the Events widget to the Event Details widget to see more details about specific events

Event Video

Drag and drop events from the Events widget to the Event Video widget to see a video preview of the event that happened 

Device List

Contains all the devices on the realm. Can be used to drop devices into Camera Live Viewer or Archive Viewer


Used in conjunction with the Archive Viewer widget. Gives more playback controls to easily navigate the video archive

Image Map

With the Image Map Widget, it is easy to visualize where all cameras are using different types of main and alternative map images

VMX (Virtual MultipleXer)

The VMX widget sets up monitors that are displayed on a separate display server. VMX is a DS (Display Server) interface that includes Walls and Monitors. You can select the Wall -for the wall, specify / select the Monitor (s) and for the Monitor (s), specify / select the splitting into cells (Split) for the required number of cameras.


Displays devices with a location linked on a map

Download Manager

Download Manager is a widget / functionality that displays all requests and their downloads on the system.

Widget Property Options


Camera Live Viewer

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Can Replace Source

Enables/disables drag & drop the camera from the 'Device List' cell to the 'Camera Live Viewer' cell

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

PTZ Controls

Enables/disables Pan, Tilt and Zoom Controls

Digital Zoom

Enables/disables Digital Zoom functionality

Fullscreen Control

Enables/disables Fullscreen function

Step Back Control

This control allows for video to be rolled/stepped back for short period of time, like few minutes...up to an hour


Archive Viewer

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Can Replace Source

Enables/disables drag & drop the camera from the 'Device List' cell to the 'Camera Live Viewer' cell

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

PTZ Controls

Enables/disables Pan, Tilt and Zoom Controls

Digital Zoom

Enables/disables Digital Zoom functionality

Fullscreen Control

Enables/disables Fullscreen function

User Defined Event

Allows user to create/define events from the control. User reviews something in archive and decides he wants to mark some fragment as "user defined event" and give it a name/description. This control enables/disables this mode and relevant button/dialog



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Show Event Preview

Opens preview of selected event

Preview Placement

Where the Event Preview will appear in the widget

Event View

Views events in content or tiles format

Real-time Events Only

Shows only real-time events if enabled

Associated Widgets

(Only available when Real-time Events Only Option is disabled) Select the widget that will associate with the Events widget

Reset to Real-time after

(Only available when Real-time Events Only Option is disabled) Specify the time delay for updating the 'Events' list for the camera

Display Event Image

Enables/disables event image

Enable User Interaction

Enables/disables the widgets interactions


Event Details

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Displays an Image or Video with details

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

Display Acknowledge Form

Enables a text box form to write an acknowledgement message 

Require Acknowledge Details 

Enable/disable to require user to input acknowledgment

Auto-update on New Event

Enable/disable to allow the widget to automatically update once a new event is available


Event Video

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Start From

Start the Event Video from event beginning or live feed

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

On Clip End

Select what happens when the event chip ends

Auto-update on New Event

Enable/disable to allow the widget to automatically update once a new event is available


Device List

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Select the hierarchy to appear on the list

Hierarchy Editor

Press to open Hierarchy Editor

Open Multiple Branches

Enable to have multiple branches open at the same time. Disable to only have once branch open at a time

Hierarchy Selection

Allows for selection of hierarchy from search function

Name Filter

Enables/disables name filter

Tag(s) Filter

Enables/disables tag filter

Tags/Hierarchy Editing

Enables/disables tag/hierarchy editor function



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Control Position

Displays playback controls on top or bottom of widget


Image Map

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Editor Mode

Enables/disables Editor Mode in Usage Mode 

Max Device Event Count

Sets maximum amountof events counted

Show Events in Invisible Layers

Enables/disables ability to see events in invisible layers

Image Map Set

Select the desired map set to be shown on the widget

Show Map Set List

Enables/disables Map Set List



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Download Manager

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


GEO Maps

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Users/Groups/Policies Introduction


user-fill (3) 1.svg Users

The users are the individual accounts that have access to a realm. To have permissions in a realm they need to be in a group. One user can be a member of several groups

When a realm is created the first user that is created within it is called the SUPERUSER. It is the only user in the system who cannot be limited by resources or functionality in the system

users-three-fill 1.svg Groups

Groups are users that are separated into different sets of access credentials. Each group can be set to have its own specific permissions. This makes it easy to change multiple user’s permissions all in one sweep. These permissions are called Authorization Policies

User must be assigned to at least one group in order to have access to system resources 

shield-check-fill 1.svgAuthorization Policies

These are the rights that are given to each user/group in a realm. They can be specifically set so that some groups may have full, partial, or selective access to functions of a realm. These permissions are granted using statements


User Management


Where to find User Management

01 Start by going to Access on the Navigation bar

02 Open Users

Using User Management

Adding a New User

01 Press the add user button + to begin adding users

02 In the Create User wizard enter the desired details. To get to the next step press the Next button

03 Once all user details have been entered press the Create button

04 The new user will show up on the Users list

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Edit User Info

01 Hover over the user that is being edited

02 Press the edit user icon to edit the selected user

03 Once finished, press Save to confirm changes

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Deleting Users

01 Select the user that is being deleted

02 Press the delete user icontrash-fill 1.svgto delete a user

03 Confirm on the pop-up prompt to finalize the user deletion

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Change User Password

01 Select a user to change its password

02 Press the edit icon to enter the Edit User wizard

03 In the Password table select Change Password

04 Enter the current password then enter the new password and confirm it

05 Press Save

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Change User’s Own Password

01 Select a user to change the password

02 Press the edit icon to enter the Edit User wizard

03 In the Password tab select Set password (will be marked as expired)

04 Enter a new password for the user, which they will have to change during their first login

05 Press Save

06 When the user signs in they will be prompted that their password has expired

07 The user must press Change password to set an up-to-date password

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Group Configuration


Where to find Group Configuration

01 Start by going to Access on the Navigation bar

02 Open Groups


Using Groups

Adding a New Group

01 Press the add policy button + to begin adding a group

02 In the Create Group wizard enter a name. Press Next

03 Under the Users tab press to add users into the group. Select the users in the list and press Select to add them. Press Next

04 Under the Policies tab press to add a policy to the group. Select the policy in the list and press Select to add. Press Create to save the Group

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Authorization Policy Configuration


Where to find Authorization Policy Configuration

01 Start by going to Access on the Navigation bar

02 Open Authorization Policy


Using Authorization Policy

Adding a New Policy

01 Press the add policy button + to begin adding a policy

02 In the Create Policy wizard enter a name. Press Create

03 Press to create a policy statement

04 Enter the desired statement properties and navigate to the next tab by pressing Next

05 Under the Actions Tab select any of the features/functions that should be accessible to that policy

06 Under the Resources Tab select any zones or devices that should be part of the policy

07 Once all entered press Create to save the statement

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Zones allow for easy device assignment with policies. By segmenting the full set of available deceives into smaller consumable segments/zones, an admin can easily set policies to many devices all at once.

One camera can be assigned to only one zone

IMPORTANT NOTE: Zones are exposed for the end-users in the way very similar to "tags", but as read-only "pseudo-tags" (so that security risk is not created by allowing users to alter zones and permissions in result of that) - from this standpoint zones are useful in filters and hierarchies


Where to find Zone Configuration

01 Start by going to Access on the Navigation bar

02 Open Zones


Where to find Zone Configuration

Adding a New Zone

01 Press the add policy button + to begin adding a zone

02 In the Create Zone wizard enter a name. Press Next 

03 Press to add devices to the zone

04 Select devices to assign to the zone from the list on the right. Press Select to add the device

05 Once added press Create to save the zone




Tags are defined/managed by the end-users and are useful for quick search (filters) and for hierarchies (which use filters)


Where to find Tags

01 Start by going to Devices on the Navigation bar

02 Open Label


Setting up Label

Adding a New Lable

01 To add a label, press on a device. The Assign Label menu will appear

02 Enter a new label into the label field. Press the Create label button. The label will then be added. Press OK to save it to the device

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Using Labels

To see what label each device has assigned hover over the icon 

To add existing labels to a device, select the device. In the Assign Labels menu select the available labels that are present in the menu. Press OK to save it to the device

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Hierarchy Configuration


Hierarchy is a way for you to make your own visual representation of how you want your camera list/tree to look, and then allow reusing that between views you design


Where to find Hierarchy

01 Start by going to Devices on the Navigation bar

02 Open Hierarchy


Setting up Hierarchy

Adding a New Hierarchy

01 Press on the drop-down menu. Select Add Hierarchy. Enter a name for the new hierarchy. Press Add to save

02 Press + to add a new branch. Enter a name and confirm. The branch will appear in the space below

03 While having the branch selected, tags will appear. Select the tags that should be associated with that specific branch and Save it

04 Branches may also be broken down into sub-branches by hovering over an existing branch and pressing + to add a sub-branch. Add tags to the branch as previously mentioned

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Using Hierarchy

Using Hierarchy in Views

01 Go to Views and add a new view

Reference the Enterprise User Interface Quick Start Guide for information about Views

02 Drag a Device List widget over to an empty panel

03 Once placed, click on the panel (a green outline should appear round the Device List panel

04 Properties will now appear on the left side menu. Look for the property called Hierarchy. Select the desired hierarchy that will display on the widget. Toggle On Hierarchy selection as well

05 Press save to apply the changes

06 The hierarchy is now visible on the Device List widget

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Import Cameras


The Import function under Devices allows the user to add a large number of devices at once by utilizing CSV files with all the properties already entered


Where to find Import

01 Start by going to Devices on the Navigation bar

02 Open Cameras


Setting up Import

Adding cameras through Import

01 Start by pressing to add a CSV file from your directory.

An example CSV file can be downloaded for the exact format 

02 After selecting a CSV file it will appear under the Select Import Job drop-down menu. The user can view each imported file from this menu.

03 Once imported press to add the cameras from the CSV file

If an warning-fill (1) 1.svg icon appears under the Action column there may be an error with the information entered from the imported CSV

04 A successful import will have a check-bold (2) 1.svgicon under the Action column. A confirmation message will also appear over the field specifying details

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