02 - Using your system

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Copyright © 2024 by VideoNext. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means (print, photographed, sent via electronic mail, sent via postal service, or by such means) without the prior written consent of VideoNext.

VideoNext makes no warranties with respect to this document and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, quality, or fitness for any particular purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. VideoNext reserves the right to make revisions to this publication without obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.

Trademarks or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.




Entering JetStream

When entering into JetStream you have two options:


Web Browser

Log on from any web browser for quick and easy access.

  1. Enter the site URL provided by your system administrator: Example: https://www.go.cavu.me

  2. Login with your system credentials

  3. If the UI selector appears, press the grid to enter the interface

    Group 3.png


The application allows for stable and standard use of the software. Web browsers have various settings that may disturb service.


  1. Enter the site URL provided by your system administrator: Example: https://www.go.cavu.me

  2. Log in with your system credentials

  3. Once logged in press ‘Install App’ button in the UI Selector

  4. Select your system type and download the app

  5. Once installed, open the application and log in with your credentials.









User Interface

Navigation & Basic Controls



You’re probably wondering, what are Views?


Setting up your view

youtube-logo-fill (1) 1.svg Watch Video Tutorial


01 Navigate toview icon.svgViews on the navigation bar. You will see a list of drop-down menus.

Under the section, My Views press the [ + ] button to add a new view.


02 You have now entered the view customization panel.

Press the Create Customized View button to continue.

Select a tile layout from the templates provided.


04 Once a template is selected it will take you to the customizer where view panels can be split, merged, or deleted in addition to adding widgets to those panels:

Control the layout of the view by using these buttons:

Column.svg Split cell vertically

Row.svg Split cell horizontally

Delete.svg Delete Cell

Add Column.svg Add a new column

Add Row.svg Add a new row

05 Once your view layout is set, drag over the widgets to the desired panel, where they will display

06 When you are satisfied with the layout of your view choose between a Default or Auto View Ratio located at the bottom of the editor

Default - Always display your view at a 16:9 ratio and will keep your widget cells the exact way you sized them. This may cause black bars on the sides of the view depending on the screen size.

Auto - Automatically resizes your view to fit your screen. Makes it so there is no wasted space.

Using your View

01 Start using your views by going toview icon.svgViews on the Navigation bar

02 The View selection column is where you select views to interact with

Views are sorted into 3 categories:

03 Open a view by pressing on a View category then select a View to open it

04 View interactions allow you to edit, share, or delete each View.

Hover over the desired view in the View column to interact

Edit View

Share icon.svg Share View

trash-fill 1.svg Delete View

05 Choose how to get a view started

Option 1: Standard Shared View

On the View Column go to shared views and select a standard View.

When entering a Realm for the first time there will always be 4 standard Views:

Archive Camera Grid - Use for viewing archival footage. Use the timeline to scrub through multiple archive feeds at once.

Camera Grid - Use for viewing multiple live camera feeds at a time.

Essential -

VMX - Used to view and configure video walls. Learn more about VMX


Option 2: Modify Shared View Template

On the View Column go to shared views, select a standard View, and press the Edit View button.

Use the standard View as a template to add more widgets, cameras, etc.

Option 3: Create a New View

Start a new View by pressing the + Add New View button on the View Column.

Press here for more details about View Setup


06 After selecting your View add your cameras to your Camera Live Viewer or Archive Viewer Widgets. Cameras can be added Dynamically or Statically.


Dynamically - Cameras can be swapped in and out of the Viewer widget by dragging and dropping them into the widget.

Statically - A Viewer widget assigned a static camera will stay locked to that feed.

To make a Viewer static press the edit button on your View → Select the Viewer Widget (will highlight green) → On the left panel, under Device list drag and drop a camera to the View Widget → Press Save




The tools that power Views


Setting up a Widget


01 In the View editor drag and drop your desired Widget into the View cells.

To learn what each Widget does, reference the guide below.

Widget Descriptions





Camera Live Viewer

Presents a live view of a selected camera

Archive Viewer

Presents a video archive of a selected camera


Displays events that have occurred on devices or in the realm in real time

Event Details

Drag and drop events from the Events widget to the Event Details widget to see more details about specific events

Event Video

Drag and drop events from the Events widget to the Event Video widget to see a video preview of the event that happened 

Device List

Contains all the devices on the realm. Can be used to drop devices into Camera Live Viewer or Archive Viewer


Used in conjunction with the Archive Viewer widget. Gives more playback controls to easily navigate the video archive

Image Map

With the Image Map Widget, it is easy to visualize where all cameras are using different types of main and alternative map images

VMX (Virtual MultipleXer)

The VMX widget sets up monitors that are displayed on a separate display server. VMX is a DS (Display Server) interface that includes Walls and Monitors. You can select the Wall -for the wall, specify / select the Monitor (s) and for the Monitor (s), specify / select the splitting into cells (Split) for the required number of cameras.


Displays devices with a location linked on a map

Download Manager

Download Manager is a widget / functionality that displays all requests and their downloads on the system.




02 To change the widget's properties, press on the widget cell. This will open the widget properties on the left panel. Select the desired preferences.

To learn what each property does, reference the guide below.


Widget Properties Guide

Camera Live Viewer

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Can Replace Source

Enables/disables drag & drop the camera from the 'Device List' cell to the 'Camera Live Viewer' cell

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

PTZ Controls

Enables/disables Pan, Tilt and Zoom Controls

Digital Zoom

Enables/disables Digital Zoom functionality

Fullscreen Control

Enables/disables Fullscreen function

Step Back Control

This control allows for video to be rolled/stepped back for short period of time, like few minutes...up to an hour


Archive Viewer

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Can Replace Source

Enables/disables drag & drop the camera from the 'Device List' cell to the 'Camera Live Viewer' cell

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

PTZ Controls

Enables/disables Pan, Tilt and Zoom Controls

Digital Zoom

Enables/disables Digital Zoom functionality

Fullscreen Control

Enables/disables Fullscreen function

User Defined Event

Allows user to create/define events from the control. User reviews something in archive and decides he wants to mark some fragment as "user defined event" and give it a name/description. This control enables/disables this mode and relevant button/dialog



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Show Event Preview

Opens preview of selected event

Preview Placement

Where the Event Preview will appear in the widget

Event View

Views events in content or tiles format

Real-time Events Only

Shows only real-time events if enabled

Associated Widgets

(Only available when Real-time Events Only Option is disabled) Select the widget that will associate with the Events widget

Reset to Real-time after

(Only available when Real-time Events Only Option is disabled) Specify the time delay for updating the 'Events' list for the camera

Display Event Image

Enables/disables event image

Enable User Interaction

Enables/disables the widgets interactions


Event Details

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Displays an Image or Video with details

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

Display Acknowledge Form

Enables a text box form to write an acknowledgement message 

Require Acknowledge Details 

Enable/disable to require user to input acknowledgment

Auto-update on New Event

Enable/disable to allow the widget to automatically update once a new event is available


Event Video

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Start From

Start the Event Video from event beginning or live feed

Analytics Markup

Display Analytic Alerts, All, or None

On Clip End

Select what happens when the event chip ends

Auto-update on New Event

Enable/disable to allow the widget to automatically update once a new event is available


Device List

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Select the hierarchy to appear on the list

Hierarchy Editor

Press to open Hierarchy Editor

Open Multiple Branches

Enable to have multiple branches open at the same time. Disable to only have once branch open at a time

Hierarchy Selection

Allows for selection of hierarchy from search function

Name Filter

Enables/disables name filter

Tag(s) Filter

Enables/disables tag filter

Tags/Hierarchy Editing

Enables/disables tag/hierarchy editor function



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Control Position

Displays playback controls on top or bottom of widget


Image Map

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height

Editor Mode

Enables/disables Editor Mode in Usage Mode 

Max Device Event Count

Sets maximum amountof events counted

Show Events in Invisible Layers

Enables/disables ability to see events in invisible layers

Image Map Set

Select the desired map set to be shown on the widget

Show Map Set List

Enables/disables Map Set List



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Download Manager

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


GEO Maps

Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height



Option Name


Option Name


Freeze Width

Freezes Widget Width

Freeze Height

Freezes Widget Height


Enter a URL of any website to view inside the widget

Using Widgets


Camera Live Viewer


Play and Pause controls are located in the bottom left corner of the viewer. Toggling this control will stop or continue the playback of the stream.



This feature is a quick way of scrubbing through the stream's recent footage. Hover over, press, and drag the slider to the right to rewind the footage.



Live Toggle

This button jumps back to live video when viewing archived footage


Connection Type

Selects whether the video stream is pulled locally, from the cloud, or switch automatically



This button captures a photo of what is currently shown on the viewers stream


Allows you to jump quickly between dates and times in recorded footage

Digital Zoom

Enables the ability to digitally zoom into the video feed

Analytic Markup

Highlights objects found by analytics in an alert, all, or none state

Create Event

Manually create an event with what is currently on the video feed

Fullscreen Toggle

Toggle this button to switch between a fullscreen or regular view of the video feed



Archive Viewer


Play and Pause controls are located in the bottom left corner of the viewer. Toggling this control will stop or continue the playback of the stream.



This feature is a quick way of scrubbing through the stream's recent footage. Hover over, press, and drag the slider to the right to rewind the footage.



Live Toggle

This button jumps back to live video when viewing archived footage


Connection Type

Selects whether the video stream is pulled locally, from the cloud, or switch automatically



This button captures a photo of what is currently shown on the viewers stream


Allows you to jump quickly between dates and times in recorded footage

Digital Zoom

Enables the ability to digitally zoom into the video feed

Auto AOD request


Analytic Markup

Highlights objects found by analytics in an alert, all, or none state

Create Event

Manually create an event with what is currently on the video feed

Fullscreen Toggle

Toggle this button to switch between a fullscreen or regular view of the video feed


lightning-fill (5) 3a.png INTERACTIONS WITH EVENTS WIDGET

From the Events Widget, drag and drop a video event into the Archive Viewer Widget. The associated event will play in the Archive viewer



To scrub through multiple Archived feeds simultaneously, create a view with a Timeline Widget and Archive Viewer Widget(s). Dragging the Timeline slider will scrub all Archived feeds at the time stamp.




Chronologically logs events that occur on the video feeds, sensors, and the system.



Select Events

Allows you to select and acknowlege multiple events at once


Export CSV

Exports the entire event log into a CSV file



Filter events by text to quickly find what you’re looking for


Filters events based reported status









Displays an image or icon that describes the event


An ID number is autogenerated and assigned for each event created






Event Details

Event Video



Archive Events




Event Details







An ID number is autogenerated and assigned for each event created

Triggered At


Modified At






lightning-fill (5) 3a.png INTERACTIONS WITH EVENTS WIDGET

From the Events Widget, drag and drop an event into the Event Details Widget. The associated event’s details will populate into the Event Details Widget.


Event Video


Play and Pause controls are located in the bottom left corner of the viewer. Toggling this control will stop or continue the playback of the stream.



This feature is a quick way of scrubbing through the stream's recent footage. Hover over, press, and drag the slider to the right to rewind the footage.



Live Toggle

This button jumps back to live video when viewing archived footage


Connection Type

Selects whether the video stream is pulled locally, from the cloud, or switch automatically



This button captures a photo of what is currently shown on the viewers stream


Allows you to jump quickly between dates and times in recorded footage

Digital Zoom

Enables the ability to digitally zoom into the video feed

Analytic Markup

Highlights objects found by analytics in an alert, all, or none state

Create Event

Manually create an event with what is currently on the video feed

Fullscreen Toggle

Toggle this button to switch between a fullscreen or regular view of the video feed



lightning-fill (5) 3a.png INTERACTIONS WITH EVENTS WIDGET

From the Events Widget, drag and drop an event into the Event Video Widget. The associated event’s footage will play in the Event Video Widget.


Device List


Filter by name or status

Filter the Device List by entering the name of a device or its status. Status can be filtered by entering “broken” or “opperating”

Filter by label

Filter the Device list by selecting a label, group, or set on the drop-down list




Camera Live Viewer

Archive Viewer



Avatar Setup

youtube-logo-fill (1) 1.svg Watch Video Tutorial


If the Avatar has not been installed and/or activated, reference the Avatar Installation Guide

01 Navigate to Devices on the navigation bar then press Avatar Activation

02 Obtain your GUID that is generated on the Avatar

Example: cc0aaf19-9b3f-4976-8129-eb00820aba10

03 Enter GUID into the dialog box and click the "Activate" button

Avatar activation via discover is available for desktop application version only.

04 After activation, the page will forward to Its preferences where the Avatar can be further customized

Status may take a few moments to change from OFFLINE to ONLINE

05 The Avatar is now setup


Setting up your device

youtube-logo-fill (1) 1.svg Watch Video Tutorial


VideoStream Basics

Types of Video Streams

There are 2 types of Video Streams that a user can set up on JetStream. Knowing the differences between each can impact how the system is utilized.

URL Stream

A URL Stream is a direct link to the assigned camera. By logging into the camera’s utility or web interface you can obtain a URL to add the camera to the system. This is a quick and easy way to add a small number of cameras.

ONVIF Stream

An ONVIF stream is a universal protocol that allows you to set profiles that apply to a group of cameras. This makes it so all the profiled cameras have consistent stream parameters such as resolution, aspect ratio, framerate, PTZ, etc.

What is framerate?

Framerate is the rate at which a new frame of video appears each second. The higher the framerate, the smoother the video appears to play. Framerates lower than 30 will appear choppier. While having a high framerate looks nicer, it takes more storage and streaming will take up more network bandwidth.


What is bitrate?

Bitrate refers to the amount of video data being transferred in a particular amount of time. It mainly affects the size and quality of your video.


What is resolution and aspect ratio?

Video resolution is the number of pixels in a video frame, which determines the video's clarity and realism. Higher resolutions are clearer though may take up more storage and network bandwidth. The aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between an image's width and height. The standard aspect ratio is usually 16:9 but depending on the camera type or age, it may vary. It is good practice to keep resolutions and aspect ratios consistent across associated cameras.


Adjusting Settings on your Camera

01 Log in to the camera by entering its IP address into the browser. The IP address is located on the physical camera

02 Once the camera utility or web interface appears, enter its login info to gain access. Interfaces vary across different camera manufacturers

03 After successfully logging in you will see the camera’s live feed and its settings

04 Enter the desired settings for each camera



Adding a URL Camera


01 Under Devices > Cameras press the [ + Add ] button

02 Select URL in Config via the dropdown menu

03 Complete the required data fields (Example data below)

04 If you don't have a camera URL but know the camera IP and user name/password, click the button “Get URL From.." to generate your camera URL

05 Click the [ Probe ] button to allow the system to find your camera

06 After the validation you will be redirected to the next Tab "Media" to select the camera stream. Adjust the columns Edge Archive and Cloud Archive to your preference

Available options include:

  • Continues - All content delivery to the Cloud/Edge

  • Events - Events delivery to the Cloud

  • Live - Live streaming delivery to the Cloud

  • None - No content will be delivered to the Cloud

07 Click "Next" to proceed to the Storage setup

During this step select how many days the content will be stored in the Cloud by choosing available options in the dropdown menu. Click "Next" when finished

08 Click "Next" to proceed to the PTZ tab.

In the PTZ Tab you can enable/disable the PTZ if your camera parameters allow it. In this step, you can click the "Create" button to finalize the camera entry

Additional Settings GIS Tab

Allows you to visualize your camera on the map. Simply place your camera on the map.


Additional Settings: Sets

Allows you to assign the camera to a specific Set of cameras currently available.

09 Your camera was successfully added and will be displayed in the device list. In this list, you have the following options when hovering over:

Edit camera configuration

lightbulb.png Enable Analytics, if available (Refer to Analytics set up page)

trash-fill 1.svg Delete the camera


Adding an ONVIF Camera


01 Under Devices > Cameras press the [Add] button

02 Select ONVIF in Config via the dropdown menu

03 Complete the required data fields

04 Click the [ Probe ] button to allow the system to find your camera

05 After the validation you will be redirected to the next Tab "Media" to select the camera stream

Adjust the columns Edge Archive and Cloud Archive to your preference

Available options include:

  • Continues - All content delivery to the Cloud/Edge

  • Events - Events delivery to the Cloud

  • Live - Live streaming delivery to the Cloud

  • None - No content will be delivered to the Cloud

06 Click "Next" to proceed to the Storage setup

During this step select how many days the content will be stored in the Cloud by choosing available options in the dropdown menu. Click "Next" when finished

07 In PTZ Tab you can enable/disable the PTZ if your camera parameters allow.

In this step, you can click the "Create" button to finalize the camera entry.

Additional Settings GIS Tab

Allows you to visualize your camera on the map. Simply place your camera on the map.


Additional Settings: Sets

Allows you to assign the camera to a specific Set of cameras currently available.

08 Your camera was successfully added and will be displayed in the device list. In this list, you have the following options when hovering over:

Edit camera configuration

lightbulb.png Enable Analytics, if available (Refer to Analytics set up page)

trash-fill 1.svg Delete the camera

Camera audio setup





01 Underdevice.pngDevices > Cameras. Choose a camera to add camera audio by pressing the Configuration button. If the camera does not exist yet then create a new camera

02 Enabling Audio on the camera (in the platform)

  • Under the Media tab, you will have the Audio option under media specifications

  • Select the audio and click save

Adding a Sensor


01 Underdevice.pngDevices > Sensors press the [Add] button

02 Complete required Sensor Properties data fields

03 Click [Probe] to test the sensor connection and proceed to the Events tab. Press [Assign Events] to select receiving the necessary events from the current sensor and click [Select]

04 Click [ Next ] to proceed to the Witnesses tab. Assign camera witnesses to your sensor by pressing [Assign Cameras]. Check the necessary camera from the camera list column and click [Select]

Additional Settings GIS Tab

Allows you to visualize your camera on the map. Simply place your camera on the map.


Additional Settings: Sets

Allows you to assign the camera to a specific Set of cameras currently available.

05 Click [Add]. Your camera was successfully added and will be displayed in the device list. In this list, you have the following options when hovering over:

Edit sensor configuration

trash-fill 1.svg Delete the sensor

Geo Maps


01 Start by navigating to Devices on the navigation bar, then Cameras

02 Hover over the camera added to the Geo Map and press the configure button to enter the camera's preferences. Go to the tab labeled GIS

03 Enter a camera's geolocation by entering the longitude/latitude values or by dragging the pin to the desired spot

Once the desired geolocation is found, be sure to press "Save" once finished

04 Navigate to Views on the navigation bar, open the desired View under My Views, and enter the editing view by pressing in the top right corner. Repeat View Set Up Step 5 to add the Geo Map Widget

05 Once added to the View, exit the editing view. You will see the Geo Map Widget added to the View

The Geo Map widget now displays any cameras with a coordinate

Image Maps


Why use Maps?

With Maps View, it is easy to visualize where all your cameras are.

Through the use of layers, you have the freedom to customize and order your maps just how you’d like.

Keep track of everything

Using each layer as its own floor makes it easier to handle and organize alerts.

Alternative Views

Alternative Views allow for an alternative view of the map being looked at.

The feature gives flexibility in the different ways that the maps can be related.

Setting up your Image Maps


01 Start by navigating toview icon.svgViews on the navigation bar

02 Open the desired View under My Views and enter editing view by pressing in the top right corner. Repeat View Set Up to add the Image Map Widget

03 Once added to the View, exit the editing view by saving it. You will see the Image Map Widget added to the View

04 Enter a Map Set Name and press

05 Enter Map Layer and press

06 Each map layer has a Main and Alternate view that can have images uploaded to:


Used as the primary map picture that can show a broader location map


(Optional) Used for more specific views of a location related to the main map

06A Select Main then press Upload to select your main map picture

06B Select Alternate then press Upload to select your Alternate map picture

07 Drag and drop any camera on the Device List Widget to the desired map location. Pinpoints will appear on the map

08 Once the desired cameras are added to the map go back to edit view by pressing then click on the Image Map area, it will outline green. Widget properties will appear to the left

09 Under Properties turn off Editor mode. This will turn off the editor on the main viewer so the widget will be filled

Editor Mode ON

Editor Mode OFF


Image Map View


01 Press the icon in the top corner of the Widget to access map layers

02 A menu will appear. You can select the Map Set and/or layers that are visible in that widget. Press the arrow to close the menu

03 A menu will appear. You can select the Map Set and/or layers that are visible in that widget. Press the arrow to close the menu

Event Detection

Layer Alert

When an Alert enabled event occurs on a camera that is in a layer a red arrow will appear next to the active Layer

Camera Alert Indicators

The normal GREEN camera icon indicates that there are no active alerts

A RED camera icon indicates that there is an active enabled alert that has been triggered


VMX Setup

youtube-logo-fill (1) 1.svg Watch Video Tutorial

Adding VMX to Views

01 Start by navigating to Views on the navigation bar

02 Open the desired View under My Views and enter editing view by pressing in the top right corner. Repeat View Set Up to add the VMX Widget

03 Once added to the View, exit editing mode by saving it. You will see the VMX Widget added to the View


Setting up your VMX

01 Select the desired Wall(1) and Monitor(2) , then select the type of Split(3)

02 Drag and drop cameras from the device list widget into the desired empty spaces

Download Manager

Adding Download Manager to View

Download Manager is a function that displays all video requests and their downloads on the system.

01 Start by navigating to Views on the navigation bar

02 Open the desired View under My Views and enter editing view by pressing in the top right corner. Repeat View Setup to add the Download Manager Widget

03 Drag the Archive Viewer and Device List Widgets into the View editor

04 Once added to the View exit editing mode by saving it. You will see the Download Manager Widget added to the View


Using Download Manager

01 Start by navigating to the Archived Video cell, scroll the timeline to the desired starting point, open Settings, then choose to Add download job

02 Select a period of video you would like to download by adjusting the start day/end date and time on the calendar. You can adjust the time to specific minutes.

**Recommended to keep download jobs 15min segments or less for faster processing.

03 Click the button Add. The download job has been started and can be managed at the Video Delivery Manager