Stratus Admin Manual

Stratus Admin Manual

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Copyright © 2024 by VideoNext. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means (print, photographed, sent via electronic mail, sent via postal service, or by such means) without the prior written consent of VideoNext.

VideoNext makes no warranties with respect to this document and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, quality, or fitness for any particular purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. VideoNext reserves the right to make revisions to this publication without obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.

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Chapter 1: Introduction


The videoNEXT team is proud to present STRATUS™ 3.9.0, the software solution that will improve and simplify the operation and management of your security systems.

  • STRATUS allows you to build and grow your security system based on your existing IT infrastructure.

  • STRATUS is an open, standards-based software solution that works with almost any IP, digital, or analog camera including HD and megapixel. It runs on any Intel or other compatible server, and uses your existing security and data infrastructure in new and powerful ways. With thousands of systems currently installed and a rock-solid reputation for zero downtime during critical installations, STRATUS is a proven security technology for today and beyond.

  • STRATUS provides the easiest and most scalable Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) solution available today. This combined with full policy-level administration, flexible Storage Volume Management and the renowned Frame Rate Decimation feature gets you the most capable and scalable surveillance and security tool ever developed. Most importantly, the STRATUS software platform leverages a classical IT approach to video and sensor content management. With STRATUS, the user can:

    • CAPTURE data from an infinite quantity of cameras, access control sensors, ground based radar, point of sale, etc.

    • ORGANIZE data into a single, intelligent, workable database.

    • STORE data in commercially available storage arrays in accordance with enterprise archival policies.

    • DISPLAY video and sensor data in an intuitive graphical user interface to all credentialed users via web browser or wireless device.

Chapter 2: Planning Your STRATUS System


This chapter will provide you with an introduction to the most common situations STRATUS Administrators face when installing, maintaining, or troubleshooting Security System software. After you read this chapter you will have a conceptual understanding of how to:

  • Install and/or upgrade STRATUS software

  • Plan your STRATUS installation

  • Configure and maintain cameras and sensors

  • Administer Users’ Access and Permissions

  • Utilize other options and services within STRATUS

  • Ensure optimal operation

Please see Chapter 4, Advanced System Configuration, for further reading and detailed instructions.


One of the most important things to keep in mind when planning your Security System deployment is that you have to plan your installation for future growth to make sure you are effectively utilizing your initial investment as your system expands.

Please review the simple STRATUS deployment schema below:

Simple Deployment

The setup is very simple. It interconnects media producers (cameras) with consumers (clients) through a network where a STRATUS Server provides the midpoint. The server manages cameras, provides video-recording and media analysis, and leverages multiple camera manufacturers’ specifications into a uniform user experience for Clients.

As the number of video feeds grows this setup will easily scale by extending the network infrastructure and a linear expansion of the number of STRATUS servers. The user experience will be kept uniform regardless of how many cameras and STRATUS servers your setup will have. The STRATUS software is specifically designed to span multiple servers with no need to require users to log in to individual servers.

The total number of Clients registered in the system is not limited, and STRATUS will be able to support up to hundreds of simultaneously connected and actively working users as long as your network infrastructure is properly sized to accommodate that level of traffic. Still, the “simple” setup has one important limiting factor: the number of video feeds that can be simultaneously viewed is limited by the power of the CPU and graphics card available on the client's computer.

In a more advanced setup as depicted in the schema below, you will see how STRATUS overcomes this limitation and grows beyond it.

Advanced Deployment

In this deployment, the “Video Wall” concept comes into use. The video wall allows for the creation of multi-monitor/multi-view viewing solutions with generic inexpensive video monitors and COTS (Common Off The Shelf) computers. Video Walls can be shared between Clients who use the extended User Interface features to control Video Walls while retaining their ability to work with video on their personal computers. This solution not only extends simultaneous video visualization capabilities; it even improves the reliability and survivability of the system for critical applications.

Another scenario that is depicted on the schema is an integration of STRATUS with Access Control Systems and Sensors. Here, STRATUS becomes a focal point of Signal Processing and Control by keeping the user experience uniform in receiving alerts and controlling such devices as Door Readers, Keypads, etc.

It is important to carefully examine the following areas of the Digital Security System design in order to determine how best to set up your system.


1. Data Acquisition Devices (Cameras/Sensors/Access Control Systems/etc..)

  • If you are doing a new installation, investing in natively IP-enabled devices may be a little bit pricier initially, but it will benefit you in the long-term by achieving a faster, cheaper rollout using standard network infrastructures and less expensive maintenance on network-enabled devices down the road.

  • If you are retrofitting an existing system, you might consider keeping legacy analog data acquisition devices (like cameras and sensors) while adding analog-to-digital converters; similar to the previous feature, these may give you a faster/cheaper roll out and less expensive maintenance in the long run.

2. Network Infrastructure

  • Media streams (video and sound) are heavy on transmission and storage by definition, so your network should have sufficient capacity for proper bandwidth handling.

  • Network designs should allow for growth as experience shows that Security Systems tend to expand over time.

  • Reasonable consideration should be given to reliability and network security due to the nature of the data that will be transmitted and processed.

3. Data Storage

  • Storage is the largest potential bottleneck for system performance. Just as the network needs to be able to handle the load of video streams you are planning on using, the storage must also be able to record them at the same speed at which they are transmitted while still maintaining enough additional resources for the archive to be viewed again.

  • Internal storage may be used for systems where long retention time is not needed. • As demand for longer retention time grows, external storage should be considered for its scalability, reliability, and manageability.

  • For both speed and reliability, a storage RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configuration is strongly recommended.

4. Accurate Time

  • An often-overlooked aspect is the necessity for accurate time.

  • The STRATUS system uses its own time to know when to archive video. It is important that the system has an accurate source for time that will not drift - such a source should be external - either an accessible NTP server or some attached device (such as GPS) with an accurate clock.

  • It is also mandatory that all nodes and clients are synced with the main STRATUS server. In 3.9, STRATUS now comes with NTP enabled (on Linux), so all nodes and clients can be synchronized with the main server.

5. Data Processing

  • The primary constraint with STRATUS is the speed at which video archive can be written to a disk. After that, processing power is the next concern.

  • There are two major components that rely on processing power: the number of cameras and the number of clients.

  • Analytics provides a heavy data processing load for the system; as such, it is recommended that your system has a spare CPU-core per Analytics channel you are expecting to run, for instance, if you are trying to run Analytics on three cameras, you will need at least a four-core processor.

6. Server Hardware

  • STRATUS processes data on Servers and Common-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware from leading vendors.

  • Consideration should be given to overall system reliability and maintainability. This aspect depends on the hardware provider and the set of management tools which will be installed.

  • If the installation consists of multiple processing Nodes (Servers), you may consider rackmountable hardware to decrease the installation footprint.

7. Client Platforms

  • Stratus cleint software requires a standard browser to acquire VMS Client application for the very first time. We are trying to get them away from using browsers. And the OS should be updated to Windows 7 or higher

  • GEO - mapping capabilities

  • The number of simultaneously visualized camera feeds depends mostly on client computer CPU power and on a reasonably powerful (mid-class) video adapter. • If simultaneous displays of more than 8-12 videos are expected, consideration should be given to either deploying a v-MX (Video-Wall) STRATUS option (preferred), or to boost the CPU on the viewing station above the average “office PC” class.

8. Scaling the System

  • The STRATUS software automatically binds multiple Nodes to form the STRATUS Security Domain where resources are presented to the Administrators and End Users in one logical cluster.

  • As your system grows, you can add more STRATUS Nodes to accommodate system expansion.

  • Each STRATUS node will support a number of cameras (and other sensors) per node depending on the resolution. For instance, you can run up to 60 video streams with a 2 Mb/s bit rate each on a single server.

  • The Storage System will have to grow as you expand your security system. Each new STRATUS node will require additional storage space, so as you scale the system and add additional nodes you will also need to expand the storage.

  • The v-MX (Video Wall) STRATUS option should be seriously considered for installation with above-average requirements on the number of simultaneous video-feeds displayed.

Install and Upgrade Procedures Outline

STRATUS 3.9 software works under CentOS 7.6 and newer Linux systems. The software installation itself is a straightforward process (described in greater detail in Appendix D, Detailed Steps), while a careful look should be given to the preparation and planning that precedes it.

Before installation on any platform, the disk system has to be prepared to accept the software through the creation of a specified disk layout. On Linux, a number of dependency packages should be installed. videoNEXT provides a special “kick-start” scenario to simplify and automate the installation process.

Once the prerequisites are met the STRATUS software package will configure OS components (such as the database and web server) to have the proper settings. No additional configuration will be needed.

To upgrade from a previous version of STRATUS, a special set of upgrade scripts is embedded into the software package to facilitate the automated configuration and content migration. Please refer to the section called “Upgrade from STRATUS 3.9.X” inside this document for the upgrade procedure from the prior STRATUS 3.7 release.

Multi-Node STRATUS Installations

The STRATUS installation is easily scalable by adding additional Nodes (servers running STRATUS software). Once such nodes are added, the compound system will behave as a single set of resources which is called STRATUS Security Domain. The User will be unaware that the STRATUS installation is comprised of multiple nodes and no special actions will be needed for accessing the Resources.

STRATUS Nodes perform a “handshake” with each other in multi-node configurations and this process is fully automated. You will find more details in the section called “Multi-Node Configuration Management”


Storage System Planning and Configuration Outline

Storage configuration is one of the most important tasks to be executed when a STRATUS system gets installed. Reliable, properly sized hardware and properly configured options are the keys to success.

STRATUS automatically discovers and manages the storage for you, but it is still the Administrator's responsibility to assign the storage resources for management.

The newly installed STRATUS system will not have any storage pre-configured, so before you proceed any further, please consider the following:

  • Internal server storage should be considered a good economical option for entry-level systems when the media archival rate is moderate. Such storage options tend to have good performance with relatively insignificant concurrency levels.

  • As your number of simultaneously recorded media-streams grows, you need to consider using cache-controllers (with the “write-back” option and battery memory backup) and storage drives designed for high levels of concurrency (like SAS and enterprise class or SATA drives).

  • Various RAID options (internal storage with RAID controller or external RAID solutions) should be strongly considered when media storage reliability is of concern.

  • When deciding on RAID level, close attention should be given to RAID data write performance for massive concurrent write operations. It is important that the write performance is good enough when the RAID is degraded, not just when it is optimal. Once a non-fatal disk failure occurs, RAID may substantially degrade the write performance and disrupt media archival. This increased load makes secondary (fatal) disk failures very common for such situations with RAID-5.

  • RAID-6 is one of the best options as it degrades gracefully when a drive failure occurs and allows up to two drives to fail before a fatal data loss will occur.

  • Using “spare drives” with automated failover should be considered routine when working with RAID.

Please refer to Chapter 2.3, Suggestions, for more information on the best practices when planning system storage.

Time Considerations

The STRATUS server keeps track of data based on the time the data is generated. Without accurate time and synchronization between nodes and clients, discrepancies can occur.

For example: if a node is one hour behind the main STRATUS server, when the main server looks for video from the node, that video will be off by an hour. Worse, if the main server looks for archive from five seconds in the past, the node will be trying to access video from 59 minutes in the future (from its perspective). This can lead to a false conclusion that the node is not archiving video. To help prevent this scenario, STRATUS 3.9 has a built in Network Time Protocol (NTP) server that other nodes and clients can synchronize with. This should help prevent most major problems that can arise; however, it is still recommended to have this main server synchronized with a more accurate source.

An internal clock on a server or consumer-grade computer can “drift” several seconds over the course of a day. Synchronizing the system with an outside NTP server is recommended. If a WAN connection is available and NTP is not blocked, STRATUS 3.9 should automatically synchronize with the time servers. If STRATUS is on an isolated network, a local time server or GPS-based time server is recommended.

Chapter 3: Quick Start- Initial System Configuration


NOTE: The STRATUS software should already be installed, and it should be possible to access the software from the recommended browsers

Please refer to Appendix C, Detailed Steps, for details on the installation specifics for your particular OS.

This section will detail how to configure the different pieces needed to get a bare-minimum installation operational. Later sections will detail specific configuration steps.

We will cover how to:

  • Log into the STRATUS system

  • Configure the STRATUS Nodes (separate servers in cluster forming the STRATUS Security Domain) - see the section called “Multi-Node Configuration Management” • Configure the Storage (as cameras will not have a place to store video otherwise) - see the section called “Manage Storage and Storage Consumers”

  • Configure the cameras - see the section called “Cameras”

  • Configure the credentials (so that your Users will use the system) - see the section called “Users, Roles and Management”

When you finish the above steps you should be able to use STRATUS for the most basic scenarios.

Logging Into the Control Panel

Figure 3.1 Login Screen

Once installed, the STRATUS system is accessible through a regular Internet browser. Specifically, the primary supported browser is Internet Explorer for Windows users, and Safari for Mac users. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are also supported, but due to their rapid development cycle, they tend to be less stable. Only the first-time login is required to access Stratus server to download directly VMS Client application.

Please open it by pointing your browser to the STRATUS “master” domain name or IP address. You should see a login screen similar to the one shown in ​Figure 3.1​ “Login Screen”.

You have the option to choose Spanish, Russian or Arabic, as well as the default of English, as the system language.

NOTE: Changing the language will change the character set as well as the read-direction (​i.e. right-to-left versus left-to-right) for your session on the server. This manual will assume a left-to right reading orientation.)

The Administrator's default login name is “admin” and default password is “topse”. For security reasons, please make sure you change it when you finish with the system's initial configuration (see the section called “Users, Roles and Management”).


Figure 3.2 VMS Client

Download the VMS Client using the link below the web login page. After executing and installing the VMS Client input the STRATUS IP Figure 3.2 . Once successfully connected the client will act just like the web version, but with all features already built-in. After setting up the system from the first web login, you can switch to the VMS Client for further steps.

The next screen will show system warnings or errors. This will include messages about cameras being in a "broken" state, time synchronization, and storage being offline or critical. If this is the first time you are logging into the system, it will show warnings about the system license, the lack of storage, and the lack of cameras.

Since the “admin” user by default has access to any User Interface, the next screen will be the “Interface Selector,” where you are given the option between “Control Panel” or “Operator Matrix”. You will need to choose "Control Panel" to continue with the system administration.

You should now be logged into the system and in the Control Panel interface.

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Figure 3.3 Check Configuration Screen

After clicking the Login button, you will be taken to the Check Configuration screen, which will notify you of the system status. Any system warnings or errors will show up here, so that you are notified as soon as you enter STRATUS. Some of the messages you will see may include: necessary plugins not installed, cameras in a “broken” state, time synchronization, and storage offline or critical. If this is the first time you are logging in to the system, you will see warnings about the system license, the lack of storage, lack of cameras, and missing plugins. The web version of STRATUS may have messages about plugin errors. These should be ignored as the VMS Client has all these features built-in.

Once you are done with the VMS Client setup and have read the system warnings, click on the “Next” button in order to be taken to the interface selector.

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Figure 3.4 Control Panel vs Matrix

Accounts with the Administrator privilege are unique in that they have access to the Control Panel through which the entire system is controlled. This is what you see on the screen before you now. Choose “Control Panel” in order to continue with the system administration. The “Matrix” option is used in day-to-day operations and is covered in the Operator Manual.

With this, you are logged into the system and are ready to begin the process of configuration.

STRATUS License Installation

This section explains how to install a new license in the STRATUS system.

Online Activation:

  1. Use the web-browser to log in as “Admin”

  2. Open the ”Admin GUI”

  3. Open the Licensing page (General>Licensing)

  4. Here you can see if the system already has a license installed (and Serial Number). You can install/change the license by clicking on the “Change” button, which will ask you for the Serial Number and perform a new license activation automatically if you are connected to the Internet.

  5. If the STRATUS software is not able to establish communications with the videoNEXT licensing server, it will prompt you to perform “offline activation.”

  6. The most likely reason for you to be redirected to offline activation is that your system is installed on a network segregated from the Internet. In this case, you will have to perform a limited information transfer by other means than direct Internet connection in order to activate the license (see details below).

Figure 3.5 Licensing


Offline Activation:

  1. You will be asked to download the “pcid.bin” file See the screenshot in ​Figure 3.6 (below)​ for details.

Figure 3.6 PCID.bin

  1. Click on the [link] (see Figure 3.6) in the offline license activation page: Product Licensing You might need to write down the URL and manually enter it on another computer with Internet access.

  2. Once you have access to the offline license activation page, please upload your PCID file when prompted and you will be forwarded to the new page with the “download license” link. Save this file on a flash drive you can transfer to the location with access to the STRATUS system.

  3. Return to the STRATUS offline license activation page and click on “Install license.”

  4. Click on "Browse...", find your license file saved on Desktop (example: 37STR131825381312.lic), and upload the license into your STRATUS system.

  5. Chose General/Licensing from the left menu and check the license details. At this time the system should report a valid license and show you what your license is useable for.

Multi-Node Configuration Management

The maximum number of devices STRATUS can operate is limited by the hardware performance of the server STRATUS is installed on. Usually, this limitation is caused by reaching the write-capacity of the storage volumes. For this reason, STRATUS is scalable to span multiple servers.

There are two states for a STRATUS server: a Master or a Node. There can be only one Master, and it is in charge of zero or more Nodes. Each node is responsible for the devices assigned to it and for communicating events, status, health, and other information back to the Master server. For this reason, the Master server will have a higher load than the Nodes. As a security system grows, you will want to have fewer cameras (proportionally) hosted on the Master server; if the security system grows large enough, you will even want to remove cameras from the Master server entirely.

After installing STRATUS on a server, you must activate the system. This activation menu will give you an option to make the server a [M]aster or a [N]ode. More information can be found in the section called “STRATUS software Installation.” Once you have chosen the role of a server (either Master or Node), you will have to reinstall that server to change its role from a Master to a Node or vise-versa.

STRATUS maintains a special “s_master” alias as a statically configured DNS entry (in/etc/hosts). This alias is managed through the "sos" account (see Chapter 5: Troubleshooting, the section called “Using an S.O.S. Account for system Administration/Recovery”). This DNS entry defines what the Master server is and provides a stable name for the “master server” in the STRATUS Security Domain. This alias is maintained on every node in the Domain and should be tightly monitored to point to the proper network IP address of the “master server”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: ​If this alias is changed (e.g. because the Master has changed, or changed IP addresses), the STRATUS software should always be restarted. If the Master's IP has changed, all nodes will need to be restarted.

The “s_master” alias exists even in single-server STRATUS installations and must always point to the correct node IP address. This alias is managed through the “sos” account (the section called “Using S.O.S. Account for system administration/recovery ”) and STRATUS software should always be restarted if the “s_master” alias gets changed.

STRATUS automates the multi-node systems’ configuration with a special “handshake” procedure between “node” server and “master” server. This handshake is performed every time the STRATUS software is started, guaranteeing that the node always operates alongside its proper master.

Newly recognized nodes are placed into the “Nodes” list in the left side of Admin Interface Control Panel. The Node information provided here allows the user to review the Node's operational status (online/offline/broken) and to identify devices managed by this particular node. Normally, device management is performed outside of the Node context, but this “Node Content” screen allows the review of devices currently allocated to the node if needed.

NOTE: When adding a new device, STRATUS will automatically try to place the device on the server with the least devices already configured. This is a simple method to provide load balancing across servers, however it does not take into account the bandwidth or other resources (such as processing power if running Analytics) that the server is utilizing. Some thought should be given to how best to distribute cameras between servers based on the load you expect to encounter.

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Figure 3.7 Node Content and Information

If the Node becomes non-operational, the “Node Information” screen will identify the node as broken. It can then be removed from the STRATUS Security Domain. As a safeguard against possible errors, the STRATUS Security Node will not allow an operational Node to be removed (accidentally or otherwise). If you must remove the STRATUS Node from the Master - the system must be powered down first; only then it can be removed from the “Node Information” screen. Node management in STRATUS is mostly automated and is performed in the background to minimize the potential for errors.

(Snapshot with a two-node system Admin Interface opened where the “master” node is automatically loaded into the right side of the screen for device management purposes.)

Figure 3.8 A Two-Node System

From the “Control Panel” you can access the Nodes by clicking on the “Nodes” button in the leftside panel. To view information about the Nodes, click the Node name for the master, followed by “Node Content” and “Node Information.” Here is a snapshot of a two-node system in the Control Panel with one server expanded.

Manage Storage and Storage Consumers

The STRATUS Storage System is in constant motion and balance. Aspects of the system include:

  • Cameras and audio devices record media to the Storage; they are the Consumers

  • The Storage Manager constantly monitors Storage Providers (Volumes) to ensure Consumers always have accessible and healthy storage

  • Policy enforcement tools monitor Storage for sufficient space reserve to store content and for “hard limits” such as “maximum time to store”

Storage volume limits and health monitoring are, for the most part, automated and provide the best operating conditions for this particular configuration.

Consumers are assigned to Storage Policies which prescribe the “hard” and “soft” limits, as well as retention policies. STRATUS comes with several predefined policies. The default allows for fully automated management based on the Storage Space available and (in the case of video) the presence of motion in video.

Of the next three subsections, it is mandatory to perform the procedure described in the section called “Manage Storage Volumes”. The other two procedures are optional and allow you to take greater control of the system, but they are not essential for normal operations.

NOTE: Please be sure to review the section called “Configure Event Handling” which affects the storage consumption and should be taken into consideration.

Storage Manager - Manage Storage Volumes

To use the “Storage Manager” screen, you will have to select “Settings/Storage Manager” in the left panel of the Admin Interface.

The “Storage Manager” screen will be loaded. This screen shows the Storage System configuration and status for all the Nodes in the STRATUS Security Domain. From here, you can manage the storage on any Node.

Figure 3.9 Storage Overview

The Size, Load, and Status columns in the above picture provide graphical summaries for the entire Storage System as well as summaries for individual Nodes.

NOTE: Typically, columns should be in the “green” zone, but it is quite normal for individual volumes to reach the “yellow” or “red” state in the “size” column, while the Node and/or entire Storage System are expected to stay in the “green”.

NOTE: STRATUS is capable of automatically discovering any type of storage device that is presented as a standard “local” storage device. This includes SATA, SCSI, iSCSI, and SAN if it is properly configured and using the appropriate OS utilities.

Double-clicking on the “Settings” icon results in the icon changing to the state:

  • “ASSIGNED” (folder with green up-arrow).

Simply click on the Cogwheel icon to cycle through the available options:

  • “ONLINE” (cogwheel with green up-arrow).

  • “OFFLINE” (cogwheel with grey down-arrow).


You will have to click on the selection icon to apply your storage state after selection.

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Figure 3.10 Storage Status – Offline
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Figure 3.11 Storage Status – Suspended
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Figure 3.12 Storage Status – Online

The Volume is also assigned for the automated management by STRATUS and is by default set to the “ONLINE” state.

STRATUS will automatically take the actions needed to healthfully maintain this volume and accept and store the media data.

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Figure 3.13 Storage Health

NOTE: ​STRATUS will maintain and present (for review) the most recent log of actions relevant to a particular Volume, Node, or overall Storage system. It is accessible to the Admin with Quick Start Initial System Configuration>“Log View” icon (the folder with an “i”). In the picture above, the Volume Log shows the entries that are a result of the changing a Storage Volume from the "Unused" state to the "Online" state.

The scenario described above demonstrates how to recognize and add a new Volume to the Storage System. Other types of Storage Volume Management operations are similar in method and execution and include:

  • Temporarily suspending “write” operations to particular Volume (useful when it needs to perform maintenance without unmounting the Volume)

  • Taking a Volume OFFLINE for maintenance (with full unmount)

  • Removing a Volume from the Storage System (it will have to be brought OFFLINE, DEMOTED, then REMOVED)

Manage Storage Consumers

Once your Storage system is configured and the Storage Policy is established, the Storage Consumers Management is the next step. In essence, you assign your Storage Consumers (cameras) to use a particular Storage Policy.

Figure 3.14 Cameras Are Storage Consumers

One method is to load the individual camera configurations and assign the Storage Policy from the drop-down list. This method works best when you are dealing with relatively few cameras.

Another method is to load the “Cam Configuration Editor” page from the “System Sets - All Cameras” or “User Sets - Your Set Name” menus and load a matrix of camera settings. It is possible to select a Storage Policy in the first column and propagate it to all the cameras in the row by using the “>” to the right of the drop-down list.

Figure 3.15 Mass Edit Cameras
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Figure 3.16 Mass Editor Page

Alternatively, when using the same screen, you can work on a camera-by-camera basis, but apply all the changes in one place with one operation.

The utility described will work with the cameras of one Set, so you have the flexibility to manage a group of cameras through their logical groups exposed in that Set. See the section called “Users, Roles and Management”.

Configuring Cameras

Please make sure your network camera is accessible over the network and you can identify basic information such as the camera model, authentication (username/password), etc…

Figure 3.17 Camera Configuration

To add a new camera, click on the box with plus sign (“+”) to the left of the “Camera” header. Options will appear. You will now be in the Add Camera Wizard.

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Figure 3.18 Camera Add Wizard

Here is a brief description of each option:

  • Choose an action type - You can choose to either add a single camera or import multiple cameras from a CSV. The format of the CSV will be covered in the section called “Importing and Exporting CSV camera lists.”

  • Choose a camera type:

    • Network - for a networked camera that is supported officially by STRATUS

    • URL - Cameras that are not officially supported can be added here if you have the RTSP-URL for the video stream

    • Unicast - Unicast Port to listen for an incoming MPEG2-TS connection

    • Multicast - the Multicast address and port to subscribe to for MPEG2-TS multicast


  • If you are using a multi-node system, you can also choose which node to place the camera on. • Enter the Camera IP or Domain Name - Here you can choose the IP address or Domain Name for the IP camera (this assumes you have chosen to add a single network camera. This menu will change if you choose other options).

  • If you have an AXIS camera, you can choose it from the list below; this list is generated automatically through a process called Zero-conf.

  • Enter the Camera Username and Password - it’s mandatory to enter the username and password to access the camera. In most cases, you will want to use an account for the camera that has privileges to modify camera settings, but this is not required.

Network Camera

The Network-type camera will be the one most commonly used with the STRATUS system. It simply requires the device to be broadcasting its data over the network, and STRATUS is able to find it. If the device is located on the same network as the STRATUS server, it can do so automatically. But before you can begin identifying the device, you must decide which server it will be added to. Directly below to the right of the Camera Type selection box is Node selection. In the case of a system with multiple Nodes available, you will be able to dictate which Node the device should be added to. By default, STRATUS will select the Node with the least number of devices attached to it. However, this does not account for the resolutions of the cameras or any other settings, such as analytics usage and storage policies. Because of to this, you may need to take manual control of this parameter to ensure equal server load if the devices you are using are not uniform. The next step is to tell STRATUS how to locate the camera. As mentioned before, if the device is on the same network as the STRATUS server, it can do so automatically. Click on the “search Cameras” button located halfway down the page to scan for available cameras. After a few seconds, the list will be populated with available devices. From here, you just need to select the device you require in order to proceed. If the automatic search is unable to find the camera you are looking for, or the camera is not located on the same network, the IP address/Domain Name of the device can be entered manually.

Enter the IP address of the camera in the appropriate field. For the “Camera model name” field, you will need to specify the model of the camera being added. The default setting “auto” will attempt to automatically find it when the camera is accessed. However, you can also select the model name from the dropdown list.

vChain Camera

There is one special selection available in the “Camera model name” field. It is called “vChain” and is located at the bottom of the list. The vChain option allows you to use a camera registered to another STRATUS server. To do so, simply select the vChain option, and enter the IP address of the STRATUS

server where the camera is located rather than the IP address of the camera itself. Using this feature, you can have a camera that is only able to provide its video stream to a single recipient be registered on, and accessible from, multiple STRATUS servers.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some cameras might have a username and password associated with them which must be provided before the device can be accessed. This authentication is device specific, and you should refer to the camera’s manual for specific instructions. If a password and username are required, fill out the two text fields at the bottom of the Add Camera Wizard with their respective data. When this is done, click “Next”. The system will attempt to connect to the camera. If the attempt is successful, it will advance to the next screen. Otherwise, you will see a warning appear in the upper right-hand side of the screen. Possible errors could be the result of an incorrect IP address or Domain name being provided, or the password and/or username being incorrect.

URL Camera

If a camera is not among those officially supported by STRATUS, it can still be viewed through the system assuming you have the RTSP-URL of the video stream.

Selecting this option of camera type greatly simplifies the interface. In order to successfully register a camera using a URL, all you need to do is specify which Node the camera should be added to, and then provide the URL where the video stream is located. STRATUS will go to the specified address and pull the video stream for its own use.

You can then click the “Next” button.

The next screen will be a preview screen of the camera.


Figure 3.19 Preview

Here you can give a name and location, as well as choose the resolution and media format to be used by the selected cameras.

A snapshot of the camera will be displayed. If the camera that you added has multiple video feeds available (such as with a multi-port encoder) each video feed will have a snapshot and you can choose which feed to use.

If you are using a multi-node system, you can also choose which node to place the camera on. The system will attempt to place the camera on the system with the fewest cameras by round-robin.

Press Next.

Your system should now have minimal functionality. Please see Chapter 4, ​Advanced System Configuration for more configuration options.

Changing Your Password

The final step towards a complete basic setup of the system is to change the password for the “admin” account from the default to something a bit more secure. The passwords for every user in the system are managed through the STRATUS Control Panel interface. STRATUS offers two ways to modify a password: changing it or resetting it. Changing a password requires the user to provide the old password in addition to the new one. The reset option allows the user to set a temporary password that overrides the old one, but must be changed after first use. These procedures can be done by anyone who has access to an account with Administrative privileges, so it is important to keep your account information safe.

From the STRATUS Control Panel, navigate to Settings>Credentials>User Manager in the left-hand menu. This will open a screen similar to the one portrayed below.

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Figure 3.20 User Manager With Admin Account

From this screen it is possible to add, delete, or modify user accounts for STRATUS. For now though, we will be focusing on changing the passwords. Select the “admin” account by clicking on it and hit the “Password” button. This will bring up a pop-up menu like the one seen in the image below.

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Figure 3.21 Password Change Menu

The two options visible here are the ones described in the opening paragraph of this section. Clicking on them expands a relevant menu, allowing you to enter the new password and provide the old one if necessary.

Since we know the current password for the “admin” account, click on the “Change Password” option. In the text boxes that appear, enter “topse” as the old password, and a new password that will satisfy the security requirements of STRATUS passwords.

In order to comply with security standards, STRATUS imposes the following requirements on any passwords being created:

  • At least 6 characters long

  • At least 1 uppercase letter

  • At least 1 lowercase letter

  • At least 1 number

  • At least 1 symbol


NOTE: Only one password change is allowed every 24 hours Sufficient diversity of the password (not one repeating letter) is required.

Once you have entered a valid password, click “Save” to complete the action. If there is an issue with the password, a warning message will appear at the top-right corner.

With these steps, the basic system setup is complete. The system can now be used to access the video being recorded by the camera, in both Live and Archive mode. In the next chapter we will cover the features and settings available in STRATUS which allow you to customize your system to suit your needs.


Chapter 4: Quick Start- Initial System Configuration Cameras

A camera's configuration page is divided into multiple tabs. On each tab there will be a box with a snapshot from the camera and a "Play" arrow to allow video to be played from that camera. The content of the tab is dependent on the make and model of the camera, but the most common attributes will be listed below.

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Figure 4.1 General Tab

General Tab

Displays the state of the camera on the system. It includes information like name, model, and status. The Configuration Menu consists of a number of tabs; each one responsible for one area of configuration. The Menu will always open on the General Tab like the one in the image to the right.




Table 4.1​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.






This represents the user-modifiable identifier. A default UDID will be generated using the Obj ID if this field is empty. It is displayed alongside the Camera Name.

Obj ID

The unique device identifier automatically assigned by the system. Read Only.


The Camera Model identified through automatic probing. Read Only.

Model ID

The make of the camera identified through automatic probing. Read Only.


The current status of the device. The possible values are: “ON,” “OFF,” “Starting,” and “Stopping”. Read Only.


This lists the duration of the current network connection to the camera. If this number is routinely low, it may indicate a problem with the camera.

Camera Probing

Forces the system to re-probe the camera, updating the camera make and model if it has changed.


The control which allows you to turn the camera “ON” or “OFF”

Camera Name

Allows you to set the name of the camera. A meaningful name will allow you to easily identify the device.


This is a description of where the camera is located. Unlike the name and UDID fields, the text entered here will not appear in the name of the device.

Associated Devices

This is a list of Obj IDs of any devices related to this one. Audio recording devices built into the camera will automatically have their Obj IDs listed here.

Viewing any Events generated through this device in the Event Log will also open the recordings from the Associated Devices.

Camera Log

Pressing this button will display a log of the camera's current activities.

This button allows you to preview a real-time report of the internal system messages, where you might find reports on issues like wrong username/password, rejected connection, etc.


This determines whether the video will be transmitted to users over multicast.

The default setting is “Off”.

Follow RTP Time

Allows you to enable or disable RTP time for this camera. Default value is “ON”.


This control allows you to turn on the audio “ON” or “OFF”.

NOTE: Please note that if any changes are made to the settings found in this tab, you must click on “Apply” at the bottom before changing tabs or leaving the screen; otherwise, the new settings will not be saved and the configuration will revert to their previous values the next time you return.


Source Tab

Figure 4.2 Source Tab

The next tab in the list is the Source Tab. The settings found in this tab are primarily responsible for how the system will attempt to connect to the camera. As with the general tab, please refer to the table below for information about each setting found in this tab.





Table 4.2​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.





IP Address

This is the camera’s network address. Both IP and DNS names are supported.


The correct authentication for accessing the camera. If not provided, the camera may not operate properly, or at all.


The correct authentication for accessing the camera. If not provided, the camera may not operate properly, or at all.

Input Number (Optional)

The video input number for multi-port encoders. This will not be shown for devices which do not need it.

Time Zone

Sets the time zone the camera is in. STRATUS operates in Universal Time (UTC) and will allow you to support multiple cameras all around the world with a proper automated time calculus.

Force RTP Over TCP

A choice is available to force the sending of video to the server over TCP. In some cases, setting this feature to "ON" will fix problems with receiving video. Default is set to “OFF”.

Force Multicast RTP

There is a choice to force RTP to any users receiving video over multicast.

Metadata Port

This port is used for injecting KLV metadata over MPEG-2 TS.

NOTE: Some cameras may show video but disable the PTZ or other controls if you do not provide correct username/password


Image Tab

Figure 4.3 Image Tab

The Image Tab controls what type of video should be retrieved from the camera.






Table 4.3​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.





Image Size

Allows you to select the image size at which recording will take place. For more regular cameras, the largest size will produce the best visual result at the cost of more bandwidth and storage utilization. If available storage or bandwidth are a concern, then a lower image resolution should be considered.

Rate Control Mode

Variable or Constant

Maximum Bitrate

You can select the Maximum bitrate for your camera or use Cam-defined settings.

Media Format

A selection of supported video-stream formats: mjpeg, mpeg4, and h264.

Pixel Aspect Ratio

Allows you to manually set the pixel aspect ratio to be used for this camera. The default setting of “Auto” is sufficient for most use cases.

Retriever Protocol

This field lists what protocol is being used to access the video, RTSP or HTTP. Read Only.


Allows you to set which network port to use to retrieve video. If the Retriever Protocol for the camera is HTTP, then this field will be replaced by the “HTTP port” field. The default for RTSP is port 554. The default for HTTP is port 80.

GOV Length

The number of frames between I-frames. A lower value will take more storage, but allow faster video call-ups. Recommended to match your frame rate.


Figure 4.4 PTZ Tab

This tab will only contain the full set of options if the selected camera supports PTZ.






Table 4.4​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.






This lists the available protocols the system will use for PTZ control. This option can be changed on encoders that support multiple PTZ protocols.


This button will open the PTZ controls for this camera, allowing you to create presets for the direction of the camera as well as set up a tour between those presets. More on this below.

Pan/Tilt Speed

This option allows you to change the movement speed of the camera when using PTZ controls. Lowering the value will allow you to be more precise with the controls.

Zoom Speed

This option allows you to change the zoom speed of the camera when using PTZ controls. Lowering the value will allow you to be more precise with the controls.

Timeout Before Going To Preset 1

Allows you to select how much time must elapse before the camera returns to the position assigned to Preset 1.

Do not enable this option if you plan to use a PTZ Tour as discussed below.


Horizontal Field of View. Only used by Jemez analytics calibration.

Associated Camera PTZ



Relevant when the camera PTZ controller supports reporting the camera’s position. Only used for Axis and Gemineye PTZ controller type.

Mount Type

Inverted or not, depending on how the camera is mounted.

Invert X/Y

Allows you to flip the control direction for the X/Y axis.

If the camera is not PTZ-enabled, the PTZ Tab will look like the image below instead. Note that the two settings available also appear in the full list of settings.

1Only used by Jemez analytics configuration.

Figure 4.5 PTZ Tab For Cameras Without PTZ Functionality

Now that we have covered all of the settings in this tab, lets take a closer look at the PTZ controls themselves. Click on the PTZ button to bring up the controls seen in the image below.





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Figure 4.6 PTZ Control Panel

The first PTZ tab is where all of the controls for the camera position are located. At the very top is the Joystick that allows you to move the camera by dragging it in the direction you want the camera to go. This is great for moving the camera quickly into the general location that is needed. Use the arrows around the Joystick for more fine-tuned control. The arrows move the camera a single step in the directions they face. This is much more precise than the Joystick. Together, they allow you to utilize the camera's full range of motion.

Below are three further calibration options. The Iris control allows you to open or close the iris of the camera if the hardware allows for it. This controls how much light the camera receives, so it affects the brightness of the picture. If there is a glare from too much light in the picture, try closing the iris, and if the camera feed is too dark, open the iris more. As with the Joystick, the arrows offer an incremental increase or decrease and should be used for fine-tuning.

The Zoom control affects the zoom of the camera. Unlike the zoom option in the Workspace, this will affect the video stream that is archived as it physically changes the camera view. As with the Iris control, drag the drawn control or use the increment buttons to change this parameter.

Finally, there are two buttons that control the focus of the camera. If the video feed appears to be improperly focused, you can manually configure it from here.

Directly below these controls lies the Preset Position buttons. Each PTZ-enabled camera can have up to nine preset positions that it will remember. To activate one of them, all you need to do is click on the desired preset number, and the camera will move to that position. Additionally, these presets can also be used to order the camera to patrol the scene, shifting between the different presets every set number of seconds.

If you want to add a new Preset, simply face the camera in the desired position, then check the checkbox “Save Preset” below the Preset Position buttons. After this is done, click on one of the buttons to assign that position to that particular number. Note that the checkbox will become deselected to show that the command is complete.

The final button, at the bottom of this menu, allows you to create a list of presets for the camera to switch its views between. It also doubles as the selection point of which the PTZ tour is currently active if there are multiple cameras available.

NOTE: This option is not supported in the Administrator interface. You will need to switch to the Operator Matrix GUI.

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Figure 4.7 Create New PTZ Tour

Click on the “PTZ tour” button. It will bring up the following menu.

If this is the first time you are accessing this menu for the camera, the dropdown will be empty, and the only option is the “NEW” button at the bottom of the panel. Click on it to bring up a PTZ Tour creation screen.



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Figure 4.8 Adding Presets To the New PTZ Tour

This menu allows you to create a new Tour by defining its name and the Presets through which it will cycle. In order to add a Preset into the Tour, select it from the list on the left and click on the right-arrow button. The Presets will maintain the order in which they were added as they appear on the right.




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Figure 4.9 Duration Set For PTZ Tour

Each Preset will have a duration field which sets the time the camera will spend in the position of the Preset before moving on to the next one. Once the final Preset in the Tour is seen, the camera will cycle back to the beginning of the list, starting the Tour over. Once you have added all the Presets you want to include in this tour, hit the “Save Tour” button below.

The PTZ Tour is now saved and will appear in the dropdown list that was previously empty. Selecting it will change the PTZ Tour menu slightly.

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Figure 4.10 PTZ Tour Menu

Note the previously empty box now displays the steps of the selected PTZ Tour. Additionally, there are two new options at the bottom of the panel. EDIT will return you to the same screen as NEW, allowing you to change the name of the Tour and the Presets within it. DELETE will remove the entire Tour.

Additionally, once a Tour is selected from the drop-down list, a “Play” icon appears directly to the right of it. This is how the PTZ Tour can be started. Once started, the icon will change to the “Pause” icon. Pressing it again will stop the tour, and the camera will remain on the last Preset viewed.

It is still possible to manually move the camera while a PTZ Tour is active. Simply click on the screen as before or use the PTZ controls. When there is no further input from the user, the camera will default back to the PTZ Tour settings.


Figure 4.11 Storage Tab

Storage Tab

Next up is the Storage Tab.





Table 4.5​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.





Event Policy

Set the Event Policy to be used with this camera. STRATUS comes with a number of policies configured by default. Please refer to the “Event Handling” section for more information.

Storage Policy

Set the Storage Policy to use with this camera. As with Event Policies, there are a number of preconfigured Storage Policies available. Please refer to the “Storage Policies Manager” section for more information.

Consumed Space

The total amount of storage that has been used by this camera so far in megabytes. Read Only.

Hourly Storage Usage

The first of two entries, this one lists the average amount of storage usage in MB/hour. Read Only.

Daily Storage

The second of two entries. This one lists the average amount of storage used in MB/day. Read Only.


Storage used in MB/day. Read Only. 

Live Stream

This is the current bandwidth required to view/store live video from this camera in KB/sec. Read Only. 

Space Utilization

This button opens the Space Utilization Chart which gives a graphical representation of the amount of storage currently being utilized by the device. 

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Figure 4.12 Storage Utilization Chart

The Storage Utilization Chart should look similar to the one seen above. As you can see, it displays the amount of drive space currently being taken up by the recordings from the device. There are two possible states for the data depending on the Storage Policy being currently used by the device. Yellow signifies that the data may be written over if the system suddenly needs more space. This means that the data will be available for as long as possible, but could be recycled at any moment. On the other hand, any data colored in green will be kept for as long as it retains that state. Please refer to the Storage Policies section for more information.


Schedule Tab

Figure 4.13 The Schedule Tab

The Schedule Tab allows you to set which schedule the camera should be subscribed to, if any.





Table 4.6 below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.





Scheduled ID

A list of user-created schedules you wish to assign this camera to. Leave blank to not use a schedule. For more information on how to configure Schedules, please see the section called “Schedule Manager.” 

The next tab on the list allows you to set a schedule for the operation of the device. You must have already configured a Schedule before you are able to assign it to a camera. To do so, simply select the desired Schedule from the dropdown list and hit Apply to save your changes. Please refer to the Schedule Manager section in the next Chapter for more information.



Figure 4.14 The Analytics Tab

The VAE Tab, or Video Analytics Engine Tab, allows you to select and configure Analytics that will be used with the camera. By default, the tab will look exactly like the image above. Further options will be unavailable until you turn on the base functionality, which will then expand based on your choices. STRATUS offers a number of different Analytics Engines that could be used with your devices. Motion Detection comes with the STRATUS system, while the other features require separate licenses in order to use them. Motion Detection does not require a separate license to run, so this feature will be covered by a later section in this Manual. You can find the steps for activating and calibrating the other Analytics Engines in their respective Manuals.


Camera Motion Detection

STRATUS has multiple options for camera motion detection. They are all configured in the “Motion” tab of the camera editor under the “Motion Detection Engine” parameter.

Upon camera creation, the default value is set to “OFF” to limit unwanted event creation. Until calibrated, motion detection uses simple default settings that will not be tuned for the scene the camera is looking at.

If you want the camera to utilize some sort of Motion Detection, you will have to use one of the following Values:

  • “ON” STRATUS internal (software) Motion Detector will be used (advantages: any camera may use it, very flexible configuration options; drawback: additional load on server CPU, which is fairly moderate).

  • “External”- camera’s internal (“external to STRATUS”) motion detector will be used. This option works for Axis cameras only and allows the use of the camera's software motion detector.

  • For STRATUS internal software Motion Detector, a special “Calibration” utility is provided, which is opened by clicking on the “Calibrate” button.

Figure 4.15 Motion Detection Calibration

Here, the real picture is presented to the Administrator, which receives an update every second with a fresh image and additional information transmitted directly from the Motion Detector. The algorithm is based on Background Subtraction and will detect changes in subsequent video frames with special provisions to ignore “normal” background changes.


The Calibrator screen shows partial detections as white dots on the top of the image, and you will notice that even perfectly still video will have these white dots around sharp edges or lines, which is attributed to the “Pixel Noise.” The Calibrator allows you to adjust the algorithm sensitivity to Pixel Noise based on a visual assessment in real time, which simplifies camera calibration to a particular scene and lighting condition. Normally, some Pixel Noise should be present (to make sure you did not set the threshold too high and ignore “real action”), but the amount of noise on the previous picture is slightly excessive.

The picture in the Calibrator is subdivided into Cells which analyze the number of pixels with detections to determine if a Cell has motion or not. The second control in the Calibrator (“Cell Noise”) is utilized to adjust Detector Sensitivity to reliably detect motions and disregard Pixel Noise. To facilitate the visual calibration process, cells will be painted green/yellow/red depending on the trigger threshold for the Cell Noise, where “red” depicts that “motion was detected in the cell condition, “yellow” is “very close”, and “green” is “some motion is present, but relatively low”. A Properly calibrated camera may show some “green” cells for non-moving areas, but should not have any “yellow” or “red”, while any small motion should reliably fire “red” detections.

The “Cell Noise” parameter is very important for the “STD Motions and Events” Storage Policy as it determines the “Cell Trigger” point which is used to decide if video should be recorded or discarded. Use “exclusion zones” to mask any areas of video where constant unwanted motion occurs (like waving trees in windows, water, etc..)

The “Object Size” parameter allows you to discriminate between targets based on their size in Cells. In ​Figure 4.15​, “Motion Detection Calibration,” a setting of 10 is sufficient to detect a person; even if they are only slightly in the frame, while disqualifying normal levels of "noise". When such a detection happens, a red border flashes around entire picture to display detection.

By default, the entire video area is INCLUDED, but the Administrator/Installer may elect to exclude any arbitrary number of Cells from the analysis to safeguard against unwanted detections (like trees waving in windows, drops of rain, etc..)

All the scenarios described above function as “what if?” controls. They do not introduce changes until you click on the “Save” button.



The STRATUS Operator Interface allows the use map to visualize cameras and Events as well as work with Live Video and PTZ operations. This functionality will be enabled automatically once the Administrator GEO calibrates one or more of the cameras.

This tab is responsible for calibrating the camera with the Map feature. By default, this will be disabled and the tab should look similar to the image above. Figure 4.16 The GEO Tab

There are two options to calibrate your camera on the map: Static and Dynamic.

Static calibration can be used to show the camera location on the map. Dynamic calibration is optional and can be used if you have your camera installed on a vehicle with STRATUS/Avatar. GPS communication is required to utilize this feature.


Geo Calibration Editor

Figure 4.17 The GEO Editor

To calibrate a camera you must open the camera settings editor and go to the “GEO” tab:









Table 4.7​ below explains the significance of each individual setting found in this tab.






[Static/Dynamic/NO]-The following options will only be displayed if set to "STATIC" or "DYNAMIC". 

Placement Tool

Opens the Placement tool window.


The Latitude of the camera in degrees and fractional degrees (not minutes/seconds). 

It is recommended to be as precise as possible. 


The Longitude of the camera, in degrees and fractional degrees (not minutes/seconds). It is recommended to be as precise as possible. 


The Altitude of the camera in meters. It is recommended to be as precise as possible. 


The range above the camera of the default Map view in meters. 


The tilt of the default Map view in degrees. 


The default Orientation of the Map view in degrees.

Field of View

Camera field of view [deg] 


[YES/NO]-Sets whether to show the FOV cone on the map. 

View Range

Distance the camera can see in meters. This sets how long the FOV cone will be. 

North Offset Angle

The degree offset from True North the camera is looking. This is can be calibrated easily for PTZ cameras using the steps detailed below. 


Sets the camera to appear on a specific Model. (Optional)


Sets which layer of the model to display the camera on. (Optional)

Monitoring Zones Configurations

Opens the Monitoring Zone Configuration tool. 

Automated Targets Monitoring


Reference Targets


If the camera has already been calibrated you will see the map centered on the current camera position. Otherwise, you will have to switch the “GEO-calibration” parameter to “YES”, and select a camera position while navigating through the map. To place (or relocate) the camera, click on the camera icon in the legend and then click on the map in the location where the camera is to be placed. Click “Save” to accept the change.

The GEO-calibration procedure has a second (optional) part relevant to PTZ cameras, which allows users to calibrate the camera's pan and tilt offsets for “slew” operation when receiving targets from a radar (or other type of device) providing GEO-coordinates for the targets. This functionality is available for integration through API and needs to be mapped to a particular targeting device such as radar.

To perform PTZ calibration, click the target icon in the legend then place the target over some distinct marker in the surrounding area (such as a pole, building corner, etc.) Open the video either by clicking on the camera icon or on the “play” icon in the video snapshot in the camera settings section.

It will attempt to center the camera over your marker object, but it will most likely be significantly off the marker since the settings are not yet correct. Now you have to use the ruler and up/down arrows (displayed above the map) to visually center the camera on your marker's projection to the ground. The ruler allows you to pan the camera left or right on every click of the mouse the number of degrees shown at the position of the click.

Once you are satisfied with camera alignment over the marker, move the target to another marker and confirm calibration accuracy. You might need to do minor adjustments to get reasonable accuracy.

Click “Save” to accept changes.

The Administrator may also upload KMZ/KML models for multiple buildings and/or floors into Map3D and place cameras and Access Control objects into these models. Go to Settings>Identity>Mapping>Map Configuration in the STRATUS Control Panel menu to open the relevant management screen.


Map Configuration

Figure 4.18 3D Map Configuration

3D models are created using the popular Google SketchUp Pro software, which allows you to define your own 3-dimensional model[s] or to import AutoCAD drawings. To create multi-layer (multi floor) scenes, you need to export the model in a series of floors and upload them individually.

The device editor (see above) in the Control Panel allows the Administrator to associate camera/sensor/etc. to models uploaded and managed with “3D mapping scene and models setup”.

The Operator is able to visualize these model[s] and associated cameras and objects, while slicing building[s] for convenient scene visualization.


Camera GEO Placement Tool

Figure 4.19 Camera GEO Placement Tool

You use this tool to help calibrate the cameras’ position on the map. Pressing the ‘place camera’ button, then clicking the map, will place that camera at the selected position (in terms of latitude/longitude).

For PTZ cameras, you can also use the ‘place marker’ button to create targets for the camera to attempt to look at. After placing a marker, you will need to use the ‘North Offset’ and ‘Tilt’ controls above the map until the camera is actually pointing at the marker you placed. This will calibrate the ‘north offset’ and ‘altitude’ parameters for the camera.

For non-PTZ cameras, you press the button to create a target, click on the video, then click on the map area corresponding to the location clicked in the video. You will need to create at least 4 of these calibration points. This will configure the camera’s north offset, altitude, tilt, and field of view parameters (FOV). This will allow the camera to generate map targets via video analytics.


Sets Tab

Figure 4.20 Set Tab

The Set tab allows you to assign the camera to any number of user sets (or none). Check the box next to any set you want the camera to be in. You can find more information about Set management in the section called “Users, Roles, and Management.”


Audit Tab

Figure 4.21 Audit Tab

The Audit tab lists activity with regards to this particular camera. For more information about the Audit log, see the section called “The Audit Log”.

The option "Show User Activity" will show when a user requested live video, archive video (including the time period of the archive), or controlled the camera's PTZ. Most entries can be expanded to give more information. For example, if you expand any User entry, you will see what IP address the user connected from. As another example, if you expand a "camera health" update, you will see what state the camera was in before.

The log is broken into multiple pages. The first page will show the newest entries. If you need to view older entries than are shown on your page, you can enter an arbitrary page, or click "Next" or "Prev" until you find the correct page.


STRATUS System Maintenance

Figure 4.22 System Backup

Configuration Backups

The STRATUS system automatically creates backups every day and users can manually create a system backup as well.

You can also Upload your system backup and restore your original system configuration from your backup file.


Support Files

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Figure 4.23 STRATUS Technical Support

STRATUS is able to gather all information regarding system health and performance into the support file. You can download this file and send it to our videoNEXT support portal for troubleshooting purposes.






The Audit Log

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Figure 4.24 STRATUS Audit Log

The Audit Log records what happens with each device on the system, who changed which settings (if any), who accessed video streams, who controlled the PTZ, how the health of each camera has changed, etc.

The Audit Log can be accessed from two places. You can access each camera’s audit log in the configuration settings of that camera, or you can view all devices in Maintenance>Audit Log.

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Figure 4.25 Audit Categories

If viewed from the Audit Log page, there are many ways that you can filter the Audit Log:

  • filter based on the time interval, setting which Start and End times to search for

  • filter based on the Category of the log

  • filter based on the User of the log

  • filter based on the Device recorded in the log

You can set the Start and End Intervals to filter based on time.


Configuration Report

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Figure 4.26 STRATUS Configuration Report

The Configuration Report checks the status of all the configurations within STRATUS. When entering this section press the “Create Report” button to generate the report. It will then display the progress of each configuration.




Figure 4.27 STRATUS Reports

The Reports section gives the user detailed reports about each device based on selected criteria. The user files the form in this order: Report Type > Period > Detailed (for more details) > Select Cameras. After making all the desired selections the user presses “Submit to finalize the report.

A report will generate and may be exported to Excel, CSV, or printed.






Software Updates

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Figure 4.28 STRATUS Software Updates

In the Software Updates section the user can run system updates by choosing RPM files from their directory.




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Figure 4.29 User Email

The system can be configured to send notification emails when events are generated. Each user can have an associated email address where event notifications will be sent to, and each device set can be configured to send events (or not) to all users of a particular Role.

To configure a user to receive email alerts on events:

  1. Log into the web interface as an admin user and enter the Control Panel.

  2. Choose Settings>Credentials>User Manager, click on "Add," and set an email address for the User.

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Figure 4.30 Role Email-On-Event

You can also set an email interval to define how often the user will receive emails.

  1. Under Credentials>Role Manager, find a role that is assigned to the user that is to receive emails. In each device set for which you want emails generated, click the "Email-on-Event" check-box.

All devices in this set will send emails on alerts to all users in this Role.


Setup the SMTP server

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Figure 4.31 Email Configuration

The STRATUS system cannot send emails directly. Instead, it sends emails using an existing email account. This email account must allow for SMTP POP3 access.

  1. Go to Settings>Customize system>Email Configuration.

  2. Provide the SMTP server (such as smtp.gmx.com).

  3. Provide credentials for the email account the STRATUS server should send emails from.

  4. Change the "Run Status" to YES.

  5. (Optional) Create a test event to verify that the setup is working correctly.


Configuring DNS, NAT, and Firewall

The first step to make your STRATUS system operational in a NAT/Firewall environment is to configure your STRATUS server[s] to work properly with the DNS. If you do so, your nodes’ names will appear by their real host names in the Control Panel “Nodes” list.

Host names will be preserved from the client side when addressing servers, while the domain suffix can change when addressing the server from inside or outside the NAT/Firewall. For example, the host(s) may be addressed from inside as “alpha.local.lan”/”beta.local.lan,” while they may be visible as “alpha.corp.company.net”/“beta.corp.company.net” from the outside. Both external names may be resolved to the same external IP address, but both names should be resolvable by the DNS to their individual servers or video streaming from other non-master nodes will not work.

A firewall should be configured to have port 80 (HTTP) and 10000 (STRATUS messaging) to accept incoming connections from outside the NAT/Firewall. Both of these connections are over TCP.

In addition, each node's Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) port (which can be found in the “Node Info” screen of a particular node) should accept connections from the outside using UDP. In multi-node configurations, STRATUS allocates the RTSP ports for its nodes with a five-port “pitch” starting from port 8554 (e.g. 8554, 8559, etc.) The pitch makes it possible to use one external IP address for multiple nodes, which are accessible through the RTSP from outside the NAT/Firewall. This is specifically done to avoid using Port Address Translation (PAT), which is problematic in some routers.


Users, Roles, and Management

The STRATUS Credentials Management system consists of four layers:

  • Resources (cameras, sensors, etc..)

  • Sets (resources grouped together)

  • Roles (coordinated collections of Sets and Permissions)

  • Users

Resources are assigned to Sets, while Users and Sets are assigned to Roles (with privileges). A single resource may exist in multiple Sets, and a single Set may be assigned to multiple Roles (possibly with different permissions per Role). A Role can have multiple Users assigned to it, and a User may also belong to multiple Roles.

To avoid over-complicated configurations as the system grows, STRATUS does not allow individual resources to be assigned directly to Users. Resources will always have to be assigned through Roles and Sets, even if a “flat” configuration is required.

NOTE: STRATUS automatically maintains a predefined "My Set" set and "Admin"/"Guard"/"Manager"/"Viewer" roles for convenient management of simplified (“flat”) configurations.


User Access and Permissions

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The illustration below provides a “big view” on how credentials are managed in STRATUS.

Here, in a simplified form, you see the most important concepts behind the Credentials Manager: Resources, Sets, Roles and Users.

Resources are the actual Devices with which Users will interact: Cameras, Sensors, Control Devices, Video Walls, etc. The same approach is taken when using the Operator Matrix or the Control Panel user interfaces.

The Operator Matrix is automatically associated with any Admin-created Role, while the Control Panel is granted only through the system-managed Admin Role. This also provides access to the system maintained standard “All Cameras”/“All Sensors”/etc. Sets, which cannot be edited.

Sets provide an aggregation method for presenting the Resources in uniform pools managed together in the Operator Matrix User Interface. Resources are aggregated into Sets, then proper Permissions are granted for the entire set on the [next] Role level.

One Role may combine one or more Sets, and similarly one Set may be used in multiple Roles. This provides a flexible mechanism of reusing aggregations when creating combinations of Resource Sets and Permissions for a particular Role. Since it is possible that one device may be published via two different Sets, which may be presented to the Role with different Permission levels, the final Operator Matrix User Interface will consolidate and use a superset of granted Permissions for a consistent user Experience.

Users provide an entity to map a real-world person into a virtual object in the software, which has one or more Roles granted to perform manipulation with STRATUS objects in one or more User Interfaces.

If a User is granted more than one Role, he/she will have to select or choose their Active Role, but only one Role can be active at any moment in time. This is needed to guarantee uniformity among multiple Users who share the same Role, and it accommodates for real-life scenarios like a “temporary substitute” or “working in time-shifts.”


Resources and Sets Management

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Figure 4.32 Set Manager

To manage Resources (and Sets at the same time) please open the “Credentials” menu on the STRATUS Control Panel, then open the “Credentials/Set Manager” screen. The following screen will open:




Set Manager

As you have been adding the devices into STRATUS, they have automatically been added to one of the System Sets to keep track of them. By default, only the Admin account is able to access the System Sets, so you will need to create a few Custom Sets in order to allow other Users to access these devices.

Sets play a number of roles within the STRATUS system. Primarily, they are a great way to keep your devices organized in a meaningful fashion. For example, you can create one Set for Indoor devices, and one for Outdoor devices. The System Sets already do this to some extent by automatically sorting all of your devices based on their type.

Additionally, Sets allow you to dictate which devices a User is able to access. As devices are grouped into Sets, and Users are grouped into Roles, you are able to assign permissions to Roles for accessing certain Sets. As mentioned above, the Admin account has access to every device in the System Sets, which contain every registered device in the system. A different User, one without access to System Sets, will be limited to the devices found within the Sets accessible to their Role. It is entirely possible to have the same device in a number of Sets.

Here, the focal point is the “Sets” list. Upon selection you will see the associated Roles and those which can be assigned to that set.

The two boxes on the far right-hand side of the screen are all Roles and Devices not currently associated with this Set. The two boxes in the center are for the Roles and Devices that are already associated with this Set. Highlighting any Role or Device will allow you to assign/unassign it to/from the currently selected Set.

  • To assign or remove Devices from the Set, simply click on the device’s name, then use one of the arrows located between the two boxes to move it in or out of the Set. There is also a helpful search function which will allow you to quickly find the device you are looking for by typing in its name.

  • To create a new Set, click the "Add" button in the left-most box. This will open a dialogue to name the Set and provide an optional description. Once added, you will need to assign Roles that can view the Set and its associated Devices.

  • To delete a Set, select it and press the "Delete" button. You can only delete "User Sets". You cannot delete System Sets (such as "All Cameras"). Deleting a Set does not alter the devices in that set. When selecting a Role in the "Role to Set" box (top-middle), you will be given the option to enable "Email-On-Event" (this is only available for user-generated Roles).

Below the Roles screens, there is a checkbox labeled “Email-On-Event.” This is part of the Email-on Event functionality covered in Chapter 4. Please refer to that section for more information.


Role Management

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Figure 4.33 Role Manager

The Roles Management screen is very similar to the Sets Management screen explained above.

Here you can manage Roles while relegating Sets to Roles and determining Credentials assignment between them.

Much like with Set management, to add or remove a Set or User to or from a Role, highlight the Set and click the left/right-arrow button(s). When a set is assigned to the Role, you can also choose the Permission level.

There are three permissions that can be assigned, And each subsequent higher permission includes the lower permissions. The lowest permission level is “View”, which only allows the user to view live video from a camera. The next level is “Control”, which enables the user to control the camera through PTZ and to view archived video. The highest permission level is “Manage”.

The "Admin Role" is a special system-created Role. Only users assigned to this Role will have access to the administrative GUI. No user-created Role can gain this privilege.

Sometimes you need to create an additional administrator user with restricted permissions. Please read Appendix E: How to Create an Additional Administrator User -“Partial Administrator”.

If PTZ Prioritization is enabled in Settings>Identity>Miscellaneous, there will be an option in Role- >Edit to set user PTZ-Priority level. The lower the number, the higher the priority. More information can be found in the section called “Cameras”.


User Management

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Figure 4.34 User Manager

The next screen allows for easy User Management: User Management in STRATUS is simplified by assigning a User to one or more Roles. It allows for easy Credential reallocation for the pool of users.

NOTE: A User can only operate one Role at a time. If multiple Roles are accessible for particular Users, then the user will be allowed to select a current active Role. This is not a software limitation, but a mechanism to keep the user experience consistent among multiple Users working in concurrent environments.

When adding or editing a User, you will be given the option to set the name, description, and password. You can also input an email account if you want events from certain devices to be sent to this user.


Storage Policies Management

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Figure 4.35 Storage Policy

STRATUS software comes pre-configured with a set of default storage policies which will perform well with storage systems of any size. This section is mainly concerned with additional features, not the mandatory configuration steps.

Please open the “Settings>Policies” section in the left menu of the Admin Interface and select “Storage Policy” to load the Storage Policy list.

The standard default policies provided when STRATUS is installed are:

Table 4.8​ Storage Policies





STD: 24x7 Space Limited

Space-consuming devices (cameras, audio) assigned with this policy will record 24x7 and allocate as much storage as possible; recorded data will be recycled when the Storage Manager determines that the amount of free space is below the threshold. 

The threshold is calculated as 5% of the total available space or 3 hours of recording at the current rate, whatever is higher. 

STD: Events Only 

Space-consumers will record only when an Event is created within the context of a particular consumer. Examples of this are Motion Detection events, Analytics events, etc. 

The Motion Detector has tobe specifically enabled in the “Motion” tab to prompt the software to analyze the video. 

STD: Motion and Events 

This strategy is quite similar tothe “Events Only” setting described above, however the Motion Detector software will be enabled automatically and trigger the recording. 

The sensitivity of the Motion Detector is also different in this scenario. It will trigger the recording for one or more cells, so the “Object Size” setting will be bypassed. This allows for more video in the archives and the ability to perform post-facto searches, where the search region and the object search size are defined at the time of the search rather than at the time camera is configured. This gives more flexibility at the expense of more storage consumption. This policy will perform recording for any other Event reported, similar to“STD Events Only.” 

STD: No Archive 

This setting allows for Live View only, with no archive being created for devices with this storage policy. This can be used in conjunction with Schedules to allow turning archive on and off. 

NOTE: A User can only operate one Role at a time. If multiple Roles are accessible for particular Users, then the user will be allowed to select a current active Role. This is not a software limitation, but a mechanism to keep the user experience consistent among multiple Users working in concurrent environments.


After clicking on the “+,”, you have the opportunity to add a new storage policy.

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Figure 4.36 Add Storage Policy

Table 4.9 Timecard






This parameter will identify your new Policy when attaching it to the Storage Consumers (cameras), so please keep the name short and descriptive. 


This attribute may be used to explain any necessary details. 

Storage Rotation Type

This is the most important attribute to consider when creating a Storage Policy. It will affect how much elasticity you allow in your system, and subsequently how reliable and effective your Storage System’s performance will be. 

Space limited-This is the default Storage Rotation typeand it is the most “elastic.” It will allow the STRATUS software to determine how long to store the data, based on the amount of storage your system has and its inflow of data. It will retain the minimum reserved free storage space while maintaining the longest media archive your system can sustain. It is almost impossible to go wrong with this type of storage since it has no additional parameters to configure. 

Fixed-The most rigid Storage Rotation type. It has a “Preserve days min” parameter to allow you to configure how long (in days) you want your media content to be preserved before it is destroyed. Storage Policy enforcement utilities will delete media content with accuracy of up to one hour (if you configure 1 day to be preserved, it means you will get between 24 and 25 hours of accessible media content at any given time). The inflexibility of this Storage Rotation type may lead to system misconfiguration by requesting the storage of more data than the System is capable of retaining. This may result in a temporary Media Archival stop until some of the older content can be safely deleted. While “Fixed” type usage may be necessary for compliance reasons, we strongly advise that you use it with sufficient reserve in available storage space and/or together with other, more “elastic” types. 

Range-This is a “semi-rigid” Storage Rotation type which combines the characteristics of both the “Space limited” and the “Fixed” Rotation. It has an additional “Preserve days max” parameter. Storage Consumers using this policy will store at least “Preserve days min” (like in “Fixed”) but will be allowed to store more, but not exceeding “Preserve days max” (similar to“Space Limited”). This Storage Rotation type is the one we strongly encourage you to use, as it offers a limited enforcement (which is required for legal compliance in many cases), while retaining storage “elasticity”, which may be needed if the storage utilization suddenly changes from expected limits (for example due to temporary unavailable storage Volume or because of increased storage utilization by some of the cameras due to changes in scene complexity, flow of traffic, etc.) 

Preserve Days Min

The minimum number of days to keep storage for. (Fixed or Range only) 

Preserve Days Max

The Maximum number of days to keep storage. (Range only) 

NOTE: STRATUS allows the use of multiple Storage Policies, and subsequently multiple Storage Rotation types in one installation. When multiple conflicting policies compete for storage space, the next set of rules will apply:

  • The “Cleaner” rule will remove the oldest media content until sufficient available storage space is achieved (automatically determined by the STRATUS software based on multiple factors, approximately 5% of the total space).

  • Outer limits rules (“Preserve Days Min” for “Fixed”/“Preserve Days Max” for “Range”) will be enforced first and outdated media will be removed permanently.

  • Inner limit (“Preserve days min” for both “Fixed” and “Range”) will define the limit or the place where the “Cleaner” must stop once the “available storage space” criterion are satisfied. • All the “elastic” ranges will be enforced on “the most fair” approach until the “available storage space” criteria are satisfied. The amount of media content retained will be proportional to the expectations of the Outer Limits, while disallowing Space Consumers with the “Space Limited” type to disproportionately increase their space consumption relevant to the “Range” type. • When mixing “Events Only” policies with other policies, the Storage Manager will use “the most fair” approach to enforce proportional distribution of storage to these potentially “open-ended” strategies and disallow disproportionate increases of their space consumption over “bound” strategies.

  • In summary, we recommend that you use one of predefined standard storage policies. They are fully automatic unless you absolutely need to mix Storage Consumers of different importance within one system. The “Event Policy” entity will allow another dimension of reconfigurability to separate the more important information from the general flood of media that your system processes 24x7.


Configure Event Handling

Event Handling is an important configuration item which significantly affects Storage Management (please see the section called “Manage Storage Volumes”).

Events are tags that are preserved in the STRATUS database, which provides a convenient way to extract an entry about something that happened in the system at a particular point in time. One of the STRATUS objects, such as a camera or a sensor, registers the event in the system as the “event originator”. The Event may have zero or more “witnesses” STRATUS objects associated with the same event (such as a camera that can see the same area).

“Events” represent a tag to retrieve information about those occurrences and get the associated media content, such as archived video from the cameras or sound from the audio devices (which may be from the same camera or a microphone on another camera).

There are a few important factors in the concept of Events. The event will have a “lifespan” (age until which it will be preserved), which will protect the media for both the “event originator” and any “witnesses.” If the media content is still protected by the Storage Policy, it will not be specifically deleted when the Event becomes obsolete and gets removed. But, if the Event is getting beyond the point where the Storage Policy protects the media archive of a particular device from deletion, then the media covered by the Event will be retained until the Event expires and gets deleted. It directly affects the amount of Storage your system will consume. We strongly recommend that you review the section called “Manage Storage and Storage Consumers” to learn how to determine safe and efficient operating limits for your installation.

When an Event gets created in STRATUS, it will always be associated with the Event Originator object. Originating objects may be a camera, sensor, relay, or any other type of device that STRATUS supports (external devices like Access Control doors or such). The link is established by a device association with a particular Event Policy, as shown on the right of the camera configuration editor screen.

To manage the Event Policies, you will have to select “Settings” in the left menu, then choose “Policies”, and finally select the “Event Policy” option. This action will open the “Event Policy list,” which contains all currently configured Event Policies in STRATUS Security Domain.

In the policies list, the “Default policy” is protected from editing since it is intended to be a system fall-back point which comes standard with the software and will reliably operate with no additional configuration.

You can add a new policy with the “+” button. To edit the existing policy, click on the policy name.

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Figure 4.37 An Event Policy

The Policy “name” should be short and descriptive since it will be used in a drop-down list when assigning it to STRATUS devices. The “description” may be used to store any kind of additional descriptive information.

The next section of the Event Policy editor defines various parameters for the individual Event Source types. The significance of these assignments is in the automated Event classification based on the Event source. Between these settings, only Priority and Lifespan can be altered by the user during the Event life cycle, while the rest are assigned at the time of the Event creation.

Event Type Configuration

In the Event Policy editor, the Admin user can set the type and priority to be registered when specific events occur. The primary event types are “Informational” and “Alert.” As shown in Figure 4.38​, this feature can be configured in the Analytics section of the Event Policy editor under “default event type.”

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Figure 4.38

The “Suppress” event type can be used when metadata from analytics should appear on the live/archive video, but the events shouldn’t be pushed to the event log.

Both the type and priority of an event is denoted by a system of color-coding. Informational event types will appear with the information displayed on a white strip in the Matrix Event Log, while alert types will be displayed on a yellow strip.

Event Priorities are marked with a corresponding letter set on a colored square background in the Event Log of the Matrix interface:

  • ‘L’ against a green background for Low Priority

  • ‘N’ against a yellow background for Normal Priority

  • ‘H’ against a light-brown background for High Priority

  • ‘C’ against a bright Red background for Critical Priority

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Figure 4.39

NOTE: Please pay attention to the “Priorities Mapping” section of the Event Policy. It may provide the actual number of hours each Event Priority is expected to be preserved, or it may be mapped into one of “content dependent” or “space limited” values.

The “Content Dependent” lifespan attaches Event recycling to the recycling of video content, while “Space Limited” allows content to survive the deletion of non-event video and is managed similarly to “Space Limited” Storage Policy (effectively competing for Storage Space).

It is important to grasp the difference between storage prioritizing through “STD Events only”/“STD Motions and Events” storage policies as opposed to other STRATUS storage policies in conjunction with the Event Policy based on “Space Limited.” With regard to the Event lifespan, in the first case the video is never written to the Storage; while in the second case, the video is stored completely at first and only after that is deleted. This allows the Operator some time (configured by hard limits on Storage Policy) to mark Events and to affect the actual Storage/Events retention. In the first case, the process is fully automatic (which is intrinsic, as a decision has to be made in seconds), and in the second it requires some user input.


Adding Other Devices

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Figure 4.40 Adding New Device

During the Quick-start chapter of this manual, you have learned how to add the different varieties of cameras into the STRATUS system. However, there are other types of devices that STRATUS is able to interact with. They include: Relays, Sensors, and Gateways. Additionally, you can add vMX Monitors and video walls from the same interface, for more information please refer to the vMX Manual.

In order to select the type of device to add, you will need to click on the upper “+” button of the Set Content screen shown in the image above. This will bring up a menu of all the device types that can be registered with STRATUS.


Configure Sensors

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Figure 4.41 Add a New Sensor

STRATUS allows you to register and manage Events from various sensor types (dry contact, RADAR, etc.), found in the System Set "Sensors", or in a User Set the sensor is assigned to.

STRATUS currently supports the following sensor types: AXIS, ACTi, SONY, FILE, SpotterRF, Boomerang, and Textron.

Additionally, there is an option to add a Simulated Radar Sensor. Select the type of sensor you are trying to add, then choose the Node you would like to add the device to. Click “Next” when you are done.

When you add (or edit) a Sensor, the subsequent dialogue will allow you to select the device type and connectivity parameters. Similar to Cameras, Sensors may be located in any Time Zone, and STRATUS presents local device time inside the Events.

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Figure 4.42 Edit Sensor

As with a Relay, the second screen of the Sensor registering process allows you to set most of the device’s properties. The table below provides the necessary information about the parameters that can be modified from this screen.

NOTE: The SpotterRF and Simulated Radar selections contain less modifiable parameters than the other four.


Table 4.10 Sensor Parameters - General Tab






A user-modifiable identifier (UDID) clearly marks a specific device. UDIDs are limited to uppercase letters and numbers. If none is provided, one will be automatically generated using the Obj ID. Each UDID must be unique and cannot be used to reference the device. 

Sensor Name

When a sensor is added it should be marked with a custom name. The name should be as descriptive as possible to make it easier to distinguish the device in a list and to quickly find it with the search function. 


When a sensor is added the system records its location. This value is only visible from the Device Options screen, so it is primarily used to track of the physical locations of devices in the system.


This parameter controls the power state of the device. STRATUS allows you to control the ON/OFF states of the devices that are directly registered with it.

Associated Devices

Any devices that are relevant to this one can be linked together; for example, a camera that is positioned in the same area as the sensor. In order to link the devices in this manner, enter the Obj ID of the other device into this field. If you would like to add multiple devices, be sure to separate the Obj IDs with commas. Devices linked in this manner will reference each other in the case of an Event creation, allowing you to easily access the video or other media data from all devices at once. 

Create Event On

This parameter allows you to dictate if the Sensor should generate an Event whenever its status changes. The available options are: 

None -No Event will be generated whenever the status of the sensor changes. 

Always -An Event will be generated whenever a change in the status of the sensor occurs. This is the default setting. 

Raise (Passive->Active) -An Event will only be generated whenever the sensor is turned on. The status changes from Passive to Active. 

Fall (Active->Passive) -An Event will only be generated whenever the sensor is turned off. The status changes from Active to Passive. 


The type of sensor you are trying to add is the same selection as it was on the previous screen. 

IP Address

If you are using a digital device, it will have an IP address. 


If your device has a username, access can be restricted to specific users. 


If your device has a password, access can be restricted to specific users.

Port #

Port number is applicable only for the devices which have a port number. 

Server Device Name

The Server Device name is applicable only for the serial interface sensors. 

Time one

This feature displays the time Zone for your device. 


Table 4.11​ ​Sensor Parameters - Storage Tab





Event Policy

This parameter allows you to change the Event Policy used when generating Events from this device. Unless custom Event Policies have already been created, this should remain on the “Default Policy” setting. 


Table 4.12​ ​Sensor Parameters - GEO Tab






This parameter allows you to select the calibration method: Static, Dynamic, or non-Geo calibration. 

“Associated Camera ID” is similar to “Associated Devices” in Camera settings, where it allows the establishment of automated cascading Event propagation from the Originating Object to the Event Witnesses. It allows for automated behaviors like “Camera Popup” or “Audio Notification” to be executed for the associated object (most likely a Camera) upon an event registration with a sensor. While it is optional for cameras, it is used more often for sensors.

Another method to add cameras is to “Activate” them directly from the camera configuration if a sensor is attached directly to a camera. Click on the "Activate" button in the Camera Configuration>PTZ tab which will automatically add sensors/relays and associate them with the camera.

Configure Relays

This mode allows the user to automatically maintain the

camera-relay/sensor relationship if they are “naturally”

associated one with another (by being attached to the

same piece of hardware)

This screen will allow you to select which Node you

want to add the Relay to if there are multiple Nodes

registered in the system. If not, simply hit “next” to

continue with the configuration.

Figure 4.43 Adding Relays

55 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Adding Other Devices

Refer to the table below for detailed explanations of

each parameter and available option. Parameters

marked as “Required” must have values before the

system allows the registration to be completed.

Figure 4.44 Editing Relay

Table 4.13 Relay Parameters -​ ​General Tab


Relay Name (Required)


Associated Camera ID Create Event On

A user-modifiable identifier is limited to uppercase letters and numbers. If none are provided, one will be automatically generated using the Obj ID. Each UDID must be unique and cannot be used to reference the device.

This is a name for the Relay being added. Provide a descriptive name for the device being added to make it distinguishable from the others. It is possible to search for devices using the value of this parameter.

This is the location of the Relay. This value is only visible from the Device Options screen, so it is primarily used to keep track of the physical locations of devices in the system.

The “Obj ID” of any devices that are related or relevant to this one. In the case of a Relay, this will be any cameras or other devices connected to it. Devices linked in this manner will reference each other in the case of an Event creation, allowing you to easily access the video or other media data from all devices at once. Enter the Obj ID of the device you would like to link. Separate the Obj IDs by commas if there is more than one device being linked.

Allows you to dictate whether the Relay should generate an Event when its status changes. The available options are:

None- No Event will be generated when the status of the relay changes.

Always- An Event will be generated when a change in the status of the Relay occurs. This is the default setting.

Raise (Passive->Active)- An Event will only be generated when the Relay is turned on; the status changes from Passive to Active.

Fall (Active->Passive) - An Event will only be generated when the Relay is turned off; the status changes from Active to Passive.

56 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Relay ID (Required) Time Zone

This is the ID of the Relay being added.

This parameter lets you select the timezone the Relay is located in. Selecting the appropriate timezones for each device will make it easier to find archived media data generated by that device.

Table 4.14 Relay Parameters -​ ​Storage Tab

Event Policy Allows you to change the Event Policy used when generating Events from this device. Unless custom Event Policies have already been

created, this should remain on the “Default policy” setting.

Table 4.15 Relay Parameters -​ ​GEO Tab

Calibration Allows you to select calibration method: Static, Dynamic, or non geo calibration.

Once all the required parameters are filled in, you can click “Apply” at the bottom of the screen to save these settings and complete the device registration.

Media Export

The STRATUS Operator Interface allows users to export video on-demand to the Operator's computer hard drive (or DVD) without any additional configuration. In addition, STRATUS allows the exportation of media onto a storage device not directly connected to the Operator's computer, which is useful in cases when STRATUS provides the media for other Media Production or Document Management systems like Apple's Final Cut Studio.

By default, STRATUS will not have this second functionality enabled until the Administrator configures the data destination directory.

To accomplish this, you will have to go to “Settings” > “Identity” in the left menu.

Figure 4.45 Set Export Directory

57 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

NOTE: It is important to provide a resource which is mounted but separate from the OS root directory. The space management is not provided by STRATUS as it is within the integrator’s field of responsibility.

Another important topic associated with media export is the “vCrypt” capability, which is the application of a digital signature ensuring authenticity for any exported content leaving the [trusted] confines of the STRATUS system. Once enabled, all exported video will be cryptographically signed so that the signature can be examined to ensure that the video has not been altered or corrupted. More on this will be covered in the section called “Configure vCrypt.”

Configure v-MX (Video Wall)

The v-MX (Video Wall) is an option of the STRATUS (enterprise edition of the software). In this release, v-MX supports an additional control type - the VNC Cell - which allows the publishing and sharing of the computer screen on the video wall.

From the deployment perspective, v-MX consists of the server-side functionality, which gets enabled with proper license installation, and additional computers running a “v-MX DS” software package. This turns them into “Display Server Appliances” with no keyboard or mouse. These computers are remotely controlled by STRATUS to deliver the Video Wall experience to end-users.

v-MX is a separately licensed software option based on the

number of v-MX DS computers to be serviced, and by the

maximum number of video feeds simultaneously displayed.

Current limitations can always be checked in the left side of

the Admin Interface in the General>Licensing section.

To configure v-MX, you must first configure two devices: a

Monitor and a Wall. A Monitor corresponds to the individual

monitor-screen, whereas a Wall is a group of monitors.

To add a Monitor click the [+] icon at the top of a set and

choose "Monitor", or go to the "All Monitors" system set and

click [+] there.

Figure 4.46 v-MX Licensing Limitations

The next screen is an editor for the Monitor configuration.

Figure 4.47 "v-MX Monitor"

58 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Figure 4.48 Configure the v-MX Monitor

Table 4.13 Relay Parameters -​ ​General Tab

Obj ID


Monitor Name Location

TCP/IP Address TCP Port

Monitor Port Username




This is the Unique System Identification number for the Monitor. Be sure to record this number, as it will be needed later. (Read Only)

This is a User-Designated Identifier. If none is provided, one will be created by the system by appending the Obj ID to the 'DV' prefix.

This is a descriptive name for which monitor is in use.

This is a description of where the Monitor is located. This field must not be blank.

This is the IP Address (or Domain Name) of the v-MX client.

This is the TCP port to connect to the v-MX with. Users are advised to leave this on default of port 8510.

This parameter identifies which monitor attached to the v-MX computer to use (0 is first monitor, 1 is second, etc.)

This is the Username for the monitor. This can be changed with the 'sos' account on the v-MX. The default is 'test.'

The Password for the monitor can be changed with the 'sos' account on the v-MX. The default is 'test.'

[ON/OFF] - This feature determines whether to set this v-MX to “ON” or “OFF.”

The current status of the v-MX (connected, disconnect, etc.). Read Only.

59 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

NOTE: While it is possible to configure the v-MX DS to “drive” multiple displays, we suggest using small PCs (AOpen DE7200 class) for each individual Monitor. This is more economical, more reliable, and has better overall performance. The minimum hardware requirements for the v-MX server hardware are:

4 GB Memory

120 GB HDD or SSD drive

Intel I-7 Processor

Once you have your Monitors configured, the next step will be to define Walls.

Walls are sets of Monitors arranged into a rectangular

matrix by assigning previously created Monitors into cells

(as seen above).

The Wall matrix may have empty cells which

accommodate non-rectangular physical Wall layouts (for

example, the Wall may have rectangular 3x4 center and

“wings” of two monitors on each side mounted around the

top, which would be a 3x6 with 4 empty cells).

Different v-MX Walls may be installed in separate rooms

and even be geographically dispersed, as long as a

sufficient network infrastructure is provided. In general,

however, you will want to define a new wall for each logical separation (one wall per room, or one wall for each operator group).

Figure 4.49 v-MX "Wall​"

Please pay close attention to the “Monitor map” attribute, as it defines the mapping of v-MX monitor IDs into the matrix of monitors representing the video-wall. This "Monitor Map" is a set of triplets defining the position of each monitor. Cell numbering is done starting from 0, and the triplet format is: row, column, and v-MX Monitor ID. Each cell entry is separated by a semicolon.

In the example above, the cell at the top-left

(position <​0,0​>) has the monitor with ​Obj ID 280​,

and the monitor at the top-right (position <​0,1​>) has

the monitor with ​Obj ID 111​.

Another important concept of combining multiple

Monitors into Walls is the ability to recombine the

same subsets of Monitors into independent walls. It

allows sections of the same physical Video Wall to hold different STRATUS Roles through the Credentials Manager.

Figure 4.50 Configure the v-MX Wall

The v-MX is affected by Credentials slightly differently than other devices. They will be assigned to Sets, and Sets will be assigned to Roles with permissions.

The permissions levels are View, Control, and Manage. Specifically for v-MX:

60 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

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• View - Does not give any credentials to manipulate the Video Wall

• Control - Allows the recollection of pre-created layouts and the manipulation of monitors (but not to modify saved layouts)

• Manage - Adds the ability to create/edit/delete saved layouts and share them as needed For more information on Credential settings, see the section called “Users, Roles, and Management”

You can configure the system to change to a

specific saved v-MX layout on a schedule.

This will allow different layouts to be

implemented for day or night.

Figure 4.51 v-MX Wall Schedule Tab

Configure v-AC (Access Control)

STRATUS allows an external Access Control System

(ACS) to be made an integral part of the security

system sensors and control devices. In essence, it

allows the creation of ACS Gateways (ACSG), which

are used to automatically discover and describe ACS

Objects to STRATUS, relay ACS security events into

STRATUS, and let STRATUS call ACS control

Methods. ACS Objects are managed as a special set

of “External STRATUS Objects,” but allow the

application of a set of Credential Management and processing rules in a manner uniform to the rest of the STRATUS Devices.

Figure 4.52 Access Control Gateway

There are multiple commercial ACS vendors on the market, and STRATUS defines a universal layered STRATUS ACSG API. videoNEXT offers a number of ACSG software integrations as an add-on for the standard STRATUS package. If such an add-on is not developed, it usually requires only a moderate effort on the integrator’s side to create one. Please inquire for more information from your Vendor.

Initially, you will have to create a Gateway and

configure the “Obj ID” into the ACSG product

specifics for your particular ACS. It will be used for a

STRATUS handshake procedure.

Once you enable the ACSG product to communicate

with your ACS, STRATUS will receive a full list of

devices which will be presented to the Gateway you

created in the initial step. You will have to identify and

enable the ACS objects you want STRATUS to communicate with by clicking on the device icon in the list and changing the “Is Enabled” option to “YES.”

Figure 4.53 A Door Device

61 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting

Using An “S.O.S.” Account For System Administration/Recovery

When the STRATUS software is installed, it creates a special “S.O.S.” account on every STRATUS node (server) which is used specifically for system configuration, patches, and recovery operations. It is accessible from the system console only or ssh and has “s.o.s.” as the default password.

Figure 5.1 The ‘S.O.S.’ Interface

The “S.O.S.” account displays an overview of the system status. It will show the IP and netmask configured nameservers and, if the information is available, the current NTP status, the license and software version, the system state and any status messages, the Master's IP address, and the current computer’s running state (node or master).

Various other options also allow the settings to be changed. The options are:

1. Show status​ - This shows the system status (as above).

2. ​Network/DNS configuration​ - This changes the network information or DNS information.

3. Change MASTER IP​ - This option will change the IP address the server is looking at to the Master. On Master nodes, you will only be able to set "Master IP" to one of the network interfaces present on the system. If chosen on a Node, the Node will attempt to verify that the IP belongs to a Master.

4. ​Restart application services​ - This will restart all services related to the running of STRATUS. This includes STRATUS, the database, and the web interface.

5. Restart server​ - This restarts the entire server. It is equivalent to running the "Reboot" command.

6. Reset application admin password​ - If admin login credentials are lost or otherwise unavailable, this allows the credentials to be reset.

62 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

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7. System​ ​Update​ - Choosing this option you will need to place latest va-STRATUS-3.9.*.rpm on USB-flash drive in va-updates directory then insert flash drive to USB socket on the server

8. ​Setup NTP server (only available on the Master)​ - This option configures where the Master should look for an NTP server. Nodes always look to the master as their NTP source.

9. ​Collect Support Files​ - This will collect various logs and system statistics and compress them into one file. Uploading this file when requesting support can greatly expedite your support request.

10. ​Backup​ - This feature stores a copy of your system configuration in an accessible file. 11. ​Restore​ - If activated, this option loads your system configuration from a backup file. Finally, option 99 will exit the SOS menu and return you to a command shell.

Normally, each modification of the systems settings will cause the application to restart to ensure the STRATUS application operates according to the new settings. If this is not done, consider choosing option 4 to manually restart the application.

Service Pack installations are described in detail in the section titled “Software Upgrade.” 63 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix A: STRATUS System Settings – Identity General Tab

System Location

System Name

System Admin E-Mail Time Zone

Date Format

Time Format

System Language

Audit Log - Max


Audit Log - Max Store Time Keep Deleted Objects System Classification Client Transport Stream

Use this field to describe your system location

Use this field to describe the name of your system in the browser Set your system Admin e-mail

hh:mm:SS.ss (read only)

Choose the language used during the system installation process: English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic.

The Audit Log’s maximum records selection can be set to: 50000/100000/500000/1000000

The Audit Log’s maximum store time selection can be set to: 1 day/7 days/1 month/3 months/1 year

The time system will keep deleted objects (cameras e.t.c.): 1/2/5/10 hours or 1/2/5/10/20/30 days

You can set this field to show the classification of your content on the screen: Public/Classified/Sensitive

TCP (default) or UDP

64 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual


Event Appending

Event Migration Destination Directory

Media Export Mode

Max Event Lifespan



Maximum event length (minutes): 5/15/30/60/120 Default: /home/sos/

Originator only or Originator and witnesses infinite/1/2/510/20/30/60

Map Configuration GEO Server

Opens Map Configuration window infinite/Yes/No

65 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

v-MX Tab

Video Wall Cell Headers Video Wall Cell Timing

Jitter Buffer Length for vMX (ms)


UDID + name/UDID only/Name only/No cell headers

None/UTC Time/UTC Date and Time/Local Time/Local Date and Time

Set Jitter Buffer in milliseconds


Aspect Ratio UDID + name/UDID only/Name only/No cell headers

Miscellaneous Tab

66 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual


Extended PTZ Presets PTZ Lock Timeout

PTZ Control Logging

Through Event Log

Default Opening

Page For the Operator Matrix URL

GUI Aggregated Frame Rate Limit

Audio Record Maximum Time (sec)

Include v-MX DS Logs Into Support Files

Limit For Warning Of

Maximum Video Player Number For User

Media Export Format

Jitter Buffer Length

Maximum Concurrent RTSP Sessions Per Node

Storage Manager To

Enforce Free Space

Show Broken Stream Indication

Broken Stream

Indication Delay (sec)

Enable Avatar Local


(Yes/No) This option allows you to have more PTZ presets 15/30 sec, 1/2/5/10/15/30 minutes, 1 /2 hours

As Info Event/As Alert/Disable






MOV or MXF (with metadata)



10%/5% recommended for ext3 file system, 15% recommended for ext4 file system

To show Red Cross sign Yes/No

0/1/5/15/30/60 seconds

Yes/No Local avatar streaming works only during the current session if network is transparent between avatar and your workstation

67 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Sessions Tab

Total Number Of User Sessions

Idle Time Before Session Is Expired

Check CSRF Token

Check WS Session

Require Account

Passwords To Be Changed (days)

Cloud Tab

Default value = 100 (0 - unlimited) Default value = 240 minutes



Default value = 60

Cloud provider Optional


LDAP authentication Yes/No

68 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix B: STRATUS System Requirements

This section is for various suggestions and metrics used in deciding hardware, network, and storage capacity required.

Recommendations on Client Station Platforms

PC/Windows platform, minimum requirements:

• Screen resolution of at least 1024x768; resolution of 1280x1024 or higher is recommended • Intel Core 2 or newer system with at least 2GB or RAM and a decent video-card • Multi-core CPU is strongly recommended if you expect to open more than 4 or 5 videos Simultaneously

• Microsoft Windows 7 or newer.

STRATUS ​Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

STRATUS ​Server Minimum Hardware Requirements:

• Dual core 2.4 GHz Intel CPU

• 8 GB system memory

• 1000 Mbit network interfaces

• 120 GB hard drive for OS

• 1 TB hard drive for system storage

69 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix C: Device Support

Supported Video Cameras

NOTE: ALL cameras with ONVIF protocol are supported. Majority of encoders are supported

Camera models made by Honeywell, Panasonic, Dynacolor, Sony, Samsung, Pelco, Bosch, Axis, HikVision, and Arecont Vision can be ONVIF compliant.

Supported Relay/Sensors

NOTE: Almost any sensor or relay is supported. If it's not currently supported, contact VideoNext for API

70 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix D: Installation Instructions

The STRATUS installation DVD includes:

– CentOS 7.1

– Stratus 3.9 Release

Installation procedures:

1. Power on the server

2. Insert the DVD into the slot

3. Make sure the DVD drive is configured to be the first device in the boot order 4. Boot from the DVD and select “Stratus" at the boot prompt

NOTE: For installing add-ons you can specify extended boot marks:


stratus-ov6 stratus-vca

stratus-vca-ov6 stratus-vca-ov stratus-edva stratus-legacy

stratus and OV cartridge

stratus and OV6 cartridge

stratus and VCA cartridge

stratus and VCA and OV6 cartridges stratus and VCA and OV cartridges stratus and EDVA cartridge stratus and LEGACY extension

5. Installer will start CentOS installation with special kick-start scenario:

Prepares disk layout

Installs all required dependencies

6. Special `sos' account (default password s.o.s.) is created for administering the system. It can be used for login remotely (ssh). After the first login, you will have to select a new password.

7. Switch to root

Enter su –

Default root password: 123456. You will be prompted to change the password.

71 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

8. You can start several activation procedures by executing as root:

Activate server in "Master-MultiNode" mode with the "SOS menu"

/opt/sarch/bin/activate MMs

Activate server in "Master-MultiNode" mode with "SOS menu" and format storage /opt/sarch/bin/activate MMfs

Activate server in "Node" mode and attach to the master with IP also include "SOS menu" and format storage

/opt/sarch/bin/activate MMfs master=

If you don't specify any arguments to the script, it will start an interactive session /opt/sarch/bin/activate

9. Using the XFS filesystem for Storage is advised if your storage is over 2TB. A special option should be chosen during an activation to enable XFS. Example:

Activate server in "Master-MultiNode" mode with "SOS menu" and format storage with XFS /opt/sarch/bin/activate MMfs

10. Use a browser for login into Admin GUI (user: admin/topse)

11. The system is fully operational after restart.

72 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix E: How to Create an Additional Administrator User - “Partial Administrator”

Sometimes you need to create an additional administrator user with restricted permissions. The steps you need to do so are:

1. Use the STRATUS Control Panel to navigate to: Settings > Credentials > Role Manager 2. Add your new Admin-2 Role to the Roles set.

3. Add the User you need to assign to a new Admin-2 Role by selecting the user in the Users list and clicking on the left arrow .

4. Check the Box “System sets” in the Sets list.

5. Select “All GUIs” in the list of sets and click on the left arrow to add this set to the Sets in Role 6. Highlight All GUIs by selecting it and check the boxes with the permissions you need to assign to this new Admin-2 Role.

7. You will need to highlight All GUIs again after putting a checkmark into a new box with the permissions.

Figure E.1

Adding an Admin-2 user Role with restricted Administrator's permissions.

Otherwise, you will let the new Admin-2 to get access to the Admin GUI with the following options based on the configuration you set:

• Email-on-event

• Full User/Role/Set Management

• Single-User Management

• Full device Management (enables Admin-2 to add and remove devices from the system) • Device Settings Management (Admin-2 is able to change device settings only) • Device Policy Management

• Camera Analytics Management

73 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

After adding Admin-2, ​as a main Administrator​ you will need to create a set of devices for that user:

Figure E.2

Creating a new set of devices for Admin-2 with restricted Administrator's permissions.

1. Add a new set “admin-2_set” to the sets group

2. Add Admin-2 Role to that set

3. Select and add devices to the Device List from all available Devices.

Figure E.3

User Management permission for Admin-2.

To let your new Admin-2 manage the users, you should check the boxes: User/role/set management and User management.

74 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix F: Customer Support

videoNEXT offers technical support to all customers to ensure smooth and effective operations

Web Support

Please go to www.videonext.com>Our

Team>Service & Support>Follow the Prompts.

Technicians can be reached by email


Telephone Support

Dial Toll-free Number 1.866.723.3077 for calls within the USA

Dial +1.703.657.1200 for calls originating from other countries

Choose Option 1 for Sales or Option 2 for technical support

Please have your Product Serial Number ready when you

Telephone Support

contact us or include the information in your e-mail. Be as

specific and clear as possible in explaining your question,

concern, or need so we can respond appropriately.

Please visit us at www.videonext.com

75 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Appendix G: Revision History

Revision 0-0

Tue Jul 5 2011 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

Initial creation of book by publican

Revision 0-1

Tue Jul 21 2011 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

Added section id’s

Added internal references

Revision 0-2

Tue Sep 12 2011 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

Revisions provided by George.

Revision 1-1

Tue Nov 23 2011 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

Updates to 3.3 release version.

Revision 1-2

Tue Jan 11 2012 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

Updates to 3.7 release version

Revision 2-0

Jan 3 2014 Igor Butsay<​ibutsay@videonext.com​>

Minor language fixes.

Revision 2-1

Jan 3 2014 Jeffrey Scott<​jeff.scott@videonext.com​>

76 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021

Stratus Admin Manual

Revision 3-0

May 20 2016 Igor Butsay<​ibutsay@videonext.com​>

Updates to 3.9 release version

Revision 3-1

August 30 2016 Igor Butsay<​ibutsay@videonext.com​>

Updates to 3.9 release version

Revision 3-2

August 30 2016 Joshua Bauman​<jbauman@videonext.com>

Minor language fixes.

Revision 4-0

September 2 2021 Alexander Fishman<afishman@titansys.com>

Overall Styling/formatting changes

Screenshot changes

77 Copyright Titan Systems, Inc. © 2021