Public Documentation
Featured pages
Content by Label is used to display lists of pages, blog posts, or attachments that have particular labels. It's great for curating content you want to show on your overview page.
For example, you could display a list of all pages that have the label 'feature-shipped' and include the word 'Blueprint', or to list any pages with the label 'meeting-notes' that youve been mentioned in.
To add the Content by Label element:
When editing type /
Find Content by label in the dropdown
Select Insert
To edit the Content by Label element:
Select the placeholder. The floating toolbar appears.
Select Edit
Modify the parameters. Your changes are saved as you go.
Resume editing the page, and the panel closes.
Recently updated
To add the Recently updated element:
When editing type /
Find Recently updated in the dropdown
Select Insert
To edit the Recently updated element:
Select the placeholder. The floating toolbar appears.
Select Edit
Modify the parameters. Your changes are saved as you go.
Resume editing the page, and the panel closes.
Popular labels
Display a list of the most popular labels used throughout your Confluence site or within a space. A popular label is a label that has been added to many pages.
To add the Popular labels element:
When editing type /
Find Popular labels in the dropdown
Select Insert
To edit the Popular labels element:
Select the placeholder. The floating toolbar appears.
Select Edit
Modify the parameters. Your changes are saved as you go.
Resume editing the page, and the panel closes.