Versions Compared


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Term Name



Example or Graphic

Streaming Protocol

Streaming Protocols - Header

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

Streaming Protocols

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a streaming protocol used to stream media content across a network. This protocol was designed to control video and audio streams without downloading media files, typically for fixed sites and CCTV security cameras. The benefit of RTSP is very low latency, however, it requires a very stable network connection. Commonly support video codes include h.264 and h.265. Common audio codes include AAC and mp3.

The RTSP protocol supports low-latency streaming but is not compatible with most devices and browsers. It can deliver low-latency streaming to a select group of small audiences from a dedicated server, making it a standard for video surveillance and CCTV systems.


  • Segmented Streaming: Viewers are not required to download an entire video before watching it, the RTSP stream allows them to watch content before the download is complete.


  • HTTP Incompatible: You cannot directly stream RTSP over HTTP, meaning there is no easy way to stream RTSP in a web browser. RTSP is designed for streaming video on private networks, like security cameras within a business

Common stream url format; rtsp://ip-address:554/descriptor or rtsp://

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)

Streaming Protocols

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). RTMP is a legacy protocol developed by Adobe to transfer audio and video files between a streaming server and the Adobe Flash Player. Due to its ability to stream over unreliable connections, such as cellular, it’s popular for streaming from users cell phones, action cams, or drones, directly to social media sites.


  • Low Latency: RTMP ensures live video streams maintain a stable connection for the viewer, even if the internet connection is unreliable. It also allows them to easily resume the stream once their internet connection stabilizes.

  • Adaptability: This protocols stream feed is adaptive and hosted on an RTMP server, meaning viewers can skip and rewind parts of the feed or join a live stream after it's begun.

  • Flexibility: Developers can integrate a variety of video formats, like audio, video, and text, into one cohesive package with the RTMP protocol.


  • Limited Support: Flash is a format quickly becoming obsolete, with HTML5 players taking its place. Flash currently supports RTMP, and this protocol cannot play on HTML5 players without a converter, like an HTTP-based video protocol.


Streaming Protocols

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)


Streaming Protocols


Streaming Protocols


Streaming Protocols

WebRTC is an open-source project that delivers video streams to viewers with real-time latency. Initially developed for text-based chat apps and VoIP usage, its popularity has grown among video chat and conference app developers after being purchased by Google. The WebRTC protocol is a low-latency streaming solution that relies on peer-to-peer streaming (P2P); it is utilized by some of the most used apps like Google Meet, Discord, Houseparty, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.


Codecs - Header

A codec is a hardware- or software-based process that compresses and decompresses data. Codecs are used in applications to play and create media files for users, as well as to send media files over a network. The term is a blend of the words coder and decoder, as well as compression and decompression.

Codecs compress -- or shrink -- media files such as video, audio and still images in order to save device space and to efficiently send those files over a network.

A codec takes data in one form, encodes it into another form and decodes it at the egress point in the communication session. Codecs are made up of an encoder and decoder.


Codecs - video


Codecs - video

Advanced Audio Codec (AAC)

Codecs - audio

Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC)

Codecs - audio

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV)

Codecs - audio



Onvif Profile


Video Management System. A Video Management System (VMS) is a software-based platform that is generally used to manage and control video surveillance cameras, recording devices, and other security components.


Aka On-Prem.




Time to Live (TTL)

TTL refers to a value set in the header of an Internet Protocol (IP) packet that tells network devices the maximum number of router hops the packet can make before it is discarded.


Kubernetes (K8)

Edge Computing

VideoNext Terminology



Pic (if relevent)


Edge device installed on customer location for processing and storing streams. A key component in videoNext architecture.



lightning-fill (5) 1.svgAnalytic Name


Motion Detector

Analytic feature that monitors for any scene change or activity. Zones can be set (drawn on scene).

Face Recognizer

A NIST certificated face recognition analytics feature. Ability to detect all faces in a scene, and create whitelisted/blacklisted matches by uploading photos of persons of interest. Additional features include; gender estimation, age estimation, and emotion estimator. Supports both CPU and GPU acceleration.

Intrusion Detector

Full featured analytic library for detecting and classifying objects, custom tripwires and geofences, speed and direction filters, zones, counting, object left behind, and more. Hundreds of user-definable filters.

Motion ALPR

Vehicle license plate recognition. Requires cameras properly positioned and calibrated to view vehicle license plates (from over 200 countries in respective languages). Additional features include identify vehicle make, model, color. Ability for Whitelisting/blacklisting vehicles of interest. (vehicle make, model, color first requires accurate license plate detection).

Object Tracker AI

Object detection of over 80 everyday items including people, vehicles, backpacks, cellphones, animals, etc. Includes maritime ship (commercial vessel) detection, and weapons detection.
The object tracker detects the above listed items, and assigned assigns a unique object tracker ID to identify new verses previously detected objects. This also allows counting of unique objects.

QR Detector

An R&D project for scanning Quick Response (QR) codes using any camera source. QR Code can be linked to any URL of file of user’s choice. Possible use case for warehousing, logistics, pallet management, inventory management.

TF Detection

Niche high end face recognition with the highest NIST rating on the market.



textbox-fill 1.svgField Name


Gateway login

Enter the username associated with the gateway.

Gateway pass

Enter the password associated with the gateway.

OIDC token

Authentication token/key associated with gateway (if applicable).


Devices Tab

textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Device ID


Device Name

Assigned Cameras

The cameras assigned to be associated with the specific gateway device or sensor.

(Example, front door sensor. Assign the front door camera to be associated with the front door sensor).


Avatar 1/7 Properties Tab



Required Volume


Local Storage


textbox-fill 1.svgImage RemovedField Name


Channel Turnaround Time

Packet Arrival Jitter Time

Upload Bandwidth Cap (Mbps)

Channel Benchmark

textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Input a name for the Avatar.

Special Characters are allowed. Spaces are allowed. Maximum 256 characters, however, we recommend limiting to 50 characters or less.

We recommend using a naming convention for all Avatars, to keep things consistent.

Status Update Interval

The time interval that the system will check if the Avatar device’s status each time.

Local Media Streaming

Enables/disables the ability to stream local feeds on the network.

Video Wall Video Streaming Mode

Select whether the system will stream feeds to video walls locally or auto selects between local/cloud.

Enable Video Analytics Auto Update


Whether the Avatar is Online Enables analytics packages to be downloaded initially, and continue to pull regular updates. Packages are very large (2GB or more) each, so initial update will take some time, depending on connection speed.


Whether the Avatar is Online or Offline.

Connection Status

Whether the Avatar is connented has network connectivity to the network.cluster.
-DELAYED/DEGRADED (was offline, now is connected and re-syncing)
-ONTIME (fully synced)

DS Running State

DS Configured State

Last Status Update

DS (Display Server). If DS is currently on or off.

DS Configured State

DS (Display Server). Enabling activates the current Avatar as a Display Server. This allows the video outputs (VGA, DisplayPort, HDMI, etc) to display video feeds, which can be managed remotely.

Enabling will download the DS software updates the first time. May take some time, depending on connection speed.

Last Status Update

States when was the last time the system’s status was checked.

Local IP Address

The Avatar device’s IP Address.


Lists the devices presently linked to the Avatar and each of their status.

Avatar Load

Avatar Delivery Queue (Scheduled system resources in use (cpu and memory). Number of connected video streams, number of analytics, and software updates will impact the Avatar Load. We generally recommend a load % to be 80% of less during steady-state.

Avatar Delivery Queue (Scheduled + Delivery Requests)

Expected Time To Upload Delivery Queue

Software Version

Displays the current software version running on the Avatar device.

VAE Updates

Object ID

API key



textbox-fill 1.svgImage RemovedField Name




Local Storage Volume


The total available storage available on the Avatar’s storage disk.




How much storage is free on the Avatar’s storage disk.

If connectivity to the cluster is lost, the Avatar will remain recording locally. When connection is regained, the delivery queue is the user selected priorities for re-syncing feeds to the cloud archive.

Purge button will delete/clear the delivery queue. Use this in case of a huge backlog of video that doesn’t need to be delivered. Example, delivery set to deliver “everything” by mistake, instead of “events only”.

Expected Time To Upload Delivery Queue

Estimate to upload/deliver entire upload queue.

Software Version

Displays the current software version running on the Avatar device.

VAE Updates

VAE (Video Analytics Engine) Updates. Displays the log and status of analytics packages downloaded to the Avatar.
-STATUS “OK”. Analytics package is up to date.
-STATUS “FAIL”. Analytics package is not up to date and the reason why.

Object ID

Avatar Object ID. Each avatar has a unique ID when registering with the cluster.

API key

API Key. Create. Generates an API Key to authenticate with the Avatar for custom API integrations.


textbox-fill 1.svgImage AddedField Name


Local Storage Volume

The total available storage available on the Avatar’s storage disk(s).


How much storage is free on the Avatar’s storage disk(s).

Required Volume

Amount of storage required to meet local storage requirements for all connected cameras/sources, based on user configured storage pools.

(IE, User is using a storage pool for 7 days storage, then the space required for 7 days, based on the actual bitrate).

Local Storage

Enabling and configuring the local hard drive(s) storage availability and location.

(IE, 4 TB hard drive. Allocating 3 TB for local video storage).


textbox-fill 1.svgImage AddedField Name


Channel Turnaround Time

Round-trip turnaround time from the Avatar to the Cluster (host), Cluster to respond, and return to the Avatar.

Packet Arrival Jitter Time

Jitter between Avatar and Cluster (host). Network jitter is a variance in latency, or the time delay between when a signal is transmitted and when it is received. This variance is measured in milliseconds (ms).

Upload Bandwidth Cap (Mbps)

Set the maximum amount of bandwidth for the Avatar. If left blank, no cap will be used.

Channel Benchmark

Speedtest between Avatar and the cluster (host). This will allow the Avatar to best prioritize upload bandwidth allocations.


textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Displays the OS version, processor type, and core count of the Avatar device.

Update History

The record of updates the Avatar device has recieved.


How long the Avatar device has been running.

Support Terminal

For administrators or advanced users only. This will open a command line interface to the Avatar.

Avatar 2/7 Camera Tab

sparkle-fill (1) 1.svg Action Name



Add a new camera or duplicate an existing camera to the Avatar. Camera setup


Search for RTSP cameras, streams, sources on the network. Must be on the same subnet (IE


Bulk import multiple cameras at once by filling out the example .CSV file and uploading it.

table-fill (1) 1.svgColumn Name



These are different actions that can be performed for each device entry.

Configure: Edits the device’s preferences

Analytics: Edits the device’s assigned analytic pereferencespreferences

Delete: Removes the device from the system/Avatar


The name assigned to each device.


The Zone the device is assigned to.


Where the device is physically located.


Whether the device’s operation is On or Off.

Health Status

States if the camera is in working order or not.

Bitrate, Mb/s

Bitrate is the amount of data transmitted in an audio/video stream, affecting quality and requiring a balance for optimal viewing without buffering. (Example: A medium quality stream will be aprox 2500 kb/s or 2.5 Mb/s).


The average or set Frames Per Second the camera captures. Most video streams appearing smooth will range between 24-30 fps.

GOP - (Group of Pictures)

Related to both video frames per second (fps) and compression.

Group of Pictures, a grouping of frames (pictures) for interframe compression techniques. Longer GOPs allow for better multi-frame compression but slow down the overall delivery process for live encoding.

Generally, the more I frames the video stream has (higher GOP value), the more editable it is. However, having more I frames substantially increases bit rate needed to code the video.


The type(s) of compression codecs used for video streams.

Picture Size

The resolution set for each camera’s stream.


table-fill (1) 1.svgColumn Name



The order in delivery priority. Sets which device deliver delivers data to the Avatar first.


The name of each device.


Where the sensor is physically located.


The Zone the sensor is assigned to.


Whether the device’s operation is On or Off.

Cloud Archive

Whether the device has cloud archive enabled on it.


sparkle-fill (1) 1.svgAction Name


Create Statement

Create a new Policy Statement

Authorization Policy Setup 2/2a Statements Tab > Statement Properties


textbox-fill 1.svgField Option


Policy Name

Enter a name for the Notification Policy.


Select how the notification should be sent.


Select the timeout of the notification.

Message entity

Notification Counts Only
Include Notification Details

Policy type

Select the type of policy.

Audit Policy:

Event Log Policy:


textbox-fill 1.svgField Option


SMTP server enabled

ON/OFF SMTP server.

SMTP server host

Enter SMTP server host.

SMTP server port

Enter server port.

Use SMTP TLS security

ON/OFF SMTP TLS security.

FROM field of mail

SMTP authentication

Select whether the SMTP server has authentificationauthentication.

SMTP user name

Enter the username associated with the SMTP server.

SMTP user password

Enter the password associated with the SMTP server.

EMAIL validated

States whether the email is validated


sparkle-fill (1) 1.svgAction Name



Add a an LPR watch item.

table-fill (1) 1.svgColumn Name



Assign a name to the watch item.


Enter a description of the watch item.


Select whether to Alert, Event, Ignore the watch item when the system catches it.

  • Alert: The system will alert users of the watch item’s presence.

  • Event: The System will record that the watch item was seen as an event.

  • Ignore: The system will ignore the watch item. It will not store a record of the watch item.


Select the minimum accuracy required to generate an alert/event. Often around .40 or .50 (40% or 50%) confidence.

A higher confidence will generate less detections, but with higher confidence in those alerts. Lower confidence will generate more detections, but with less accuracy.

Default TTL (days)

Default Time to Live (TTL)


Select whether to configure or delete a watch item.
