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Avatar 1/7 Properties Tab


textbox-fill 1.svgImage RemovedField Name


Local Storage Volume

The total available storage available on the Avatar’s storage disk.


How much storage is free on the Avatar’s storage disk.

Required Volume

Local Storage

textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Input a name for the Avatar.

Special Characters are allowed. Spaces are allowed. Maximum 256 characters, however, we recommend limiting to 50 characters or less.

We recommend using a naming convention for all Avatars, to keep things consistent.

Status Update Interval

The time interval that the system will check if the Avatar device’s status each time.

Local Media Streaming

Enables/disables the ability to stream local feeds on the network.

Video Wall Video Streaming Mode

Select whether the system will stream feeds to video walls locally or auto selects between local/cloud.

Enable Video Analytics Auto Update

Enables analytics packages to be downloaded initially, and continue to pull regular updates. Packages are very large (2GB or more) each, so initial update will take some time, depending on connection speed.


Whether the Avatar is Online or Offline.

Connection Status

Whether the Avatar is connented has network connectivity to the networkcluster.
-DELAYED/DEGRADED (was offline, now is connected and re-syncing)
-ONTIME (fully synced)

DS Running State

DS Configured State

Last Status Update

(Display Server). If DS is currently on or off.

DS Configured State

DS (Display Server). Enabling activates the current Avatar as a Display Server. This allows the video outputs (VGA, DisplayPort, HDMI, etc) to display video feeds, which can be managed remotely.

Enabling will download the DS software updates the first time. May take some time, depending on connection speed.

Last Status Update

States when was the last time the system’s status was checked.

Local IP Address

The Avatar device’s IP Address.


Lists the devices presently linked to the Avatar and each of their status.

Avatar Load

Avatar Delivery Queue (Scheduled + Delivery Requests)

Expected Time To Upload Delivery Queue

Software Version

Displays the current software version running on the Avatar device.

VAE Updates

Object ID

API key


system resources in use (cpu and memory). Number of connected video streams, number of analytics, and software updates will impact the Avatar Load. We generally recommend a load % to be 80% of less during steady-state.

Avatar Delivery Queue (Scheduled + Delivery Requests)

If connectivity to the cluster is lost, the Avatar will remain recording locally. When connection is regained, the delivery queue is the user selected priorities for re-syncing feeds to the cloud archive.

Purge button will delete/clear the delivery queue. Use this in case of a huge backlog of video that doesn’t need to be delivered. Example, delivery set to deliver “everything” by mistake, instead of “events only”.

Expected Time To Upload Delivery Queue

Estimate to upload/deliver entire upload queue.

Software Version

Displays the current software version running on the Avatar device.

VAE Updates

VAE (Video Analytics Engine) Updates. Displays the log and status of analytics packages downloaded to the Avatar.
-STATUS “OK”. Analytics package is up to date.
-STATUS “FAIL”. Analytics package is not up to date and the reason why.

Object ID

Avatar Object ID. Each avatar has a unique ID when registering with the cluster.

API key

API Key. Create. Generates an API Key to authenticate with the Avatar for custom API integrations.


textbox-fill 1.svgImage AddedField Name


Local Storage Volume

The total available storage available on the Avatar’s storage disk(s).


How much storage is free on the Avatar’s storage disk(s).

Required Volume

Amount of storage required to meet local storage requirements for all connected cameras/sources, based on user configured storage pools.

(IE, User is using a storage pool for 7 days storage, then the space required for 7 days, based on the actual bitrate).

Local Storage

Enabling and configuring the local hard drive(s) storage availability and location.

(IE, 4 TB hard drive. Allocating 3 TB for local video storage).


textbox-fill 1.svgField Name


Channel Turnaround Time

Round-trip turnaround time from the Avatar to the Cluster (host), Cluster to respond, and return to the Avatar.

Packet Arrival Jitter Time

Jitter between Avatar and Cluster (host).

Network jitter is a variance in latency, or the time delay between when a signal is transmitted and when it is received. This variance is measured in milliseconds (ms).

Upload Bandwidth Cap (Mbps)

Channel Benchmark
