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textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Destination for connecting sensor. Options include Edge device or remote server for cloud direct (if not using an edge device).


Select the Avatar (edge device) the sensor will be add to.


Input a name for the sensor.

Special Characters are allowed. Spaces are allowed. Maximum 256 characters, however, we recommend limiting to 50 characters or less.

We recommend using a naming convention for all sensors, to keep things consistent.

Example Naming Convention:

  • Sensor01_Front Door_DoorSensor

  • Sensor02_Back Door_Fence


Set the sensor state, on or off. Sensor state can be toggled on/off at anytime.


Enter the general location that the sensor is physically set. (IE Office_Backroom)


Creating a zone allows to group sensors together based on criteria, most likely their location. Each sensor can only be assigned to one zone. Allows for credentialing and access management.


Select the type of sensor being added.


Select the model/make of the sensor

Sensor IP/Host

IP address of the sensor. (IE

We recommend using an overall schema for setting sensor IP addresses. Use either static fixed on the sensor, or static DHCP leases set on our router. We HIGHLY discourage DHCP.


HTTP port the camera or sensor is set to use (set on the camera side configuration). Port 80 is used by most manufactueres by default.

Check the device advanced network settings to verify. On more complex customer networks, the camera sits behind a firewall and uses custom port forwarding.


Enter the username associated with the sensor.


Enter the password associated with the sensor.


textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Select the Avatar (edge device) the gateway will be add to.


Input a name for the gateway.

Special Characters are allowed. Spaces are allowed. Maximum 256 characters, however, we recommend limiting to 50 characters or less.

We recommend using a naming convention for all gateways, to keep things consistent.


Set the gateway state, on or off. Gateway state can be toggled on/off at anytime.


Enter the general location that the sensor is physically set. (IE Warehouse_Garage)

Gateway IP/Host

IP address of the gateway. (IE

We recommend using an overall schema for setting gateway IP addresses. Use either static fixed on the sensor, or static DHCP leases set on our router. We HIGHLY discourage DHCP.


Port the gateway device is using or set to. Often port 8080.

HTTP Secured

Gateway type

Select the type of HTTP (secured = no). HTTPS (secured = yes).

Gateway type

Select the type of sensor being added.

Gateway Authentication Tab


Devices Tab

textbox-fill 1.svgField Name



Device ID


Device Name

Assigned Cameras

The cameras assigned to be associated with the specific gateway device or sensor.

(Example, front door sensor. Assign the front door camera to be associated with the front door sensor).

Events Tab

textbox-fill 1.svgField Name


Show Mapped Events Only


Event type ID number


The name of each type of gateway event is discribed with different states.

Assigned Event Type

Choose whether the event type triggers an alert or is stored as info.


table-fill (1) 1.svgColumn Name



Name of each of the Avatars (Edge devices).


The Avatar software version currently on the device.


How long the Avatar has been in operation.


Whether the Avatar is Online or Offline.

Connection Status

Whether the Avatar is connented to the network.

IP Address

The IP address of the Avatar device.


A count of how many devices are connected to the associated Avatar.


textbox-fill 1.svgField Option


System name

Enter the name of the Realm.

System Admin e-mail

Enter the email associated with the System Admin.

Maximum Mandatory Delivery delay, minutes

Audit events TTL

Two-Factor Auth (2FA)

ON/OFF Two-Factor Authentification for all User logins on the Realm.

Player idle timeoutJitter buffer length,

If the user is inactive for the set amount of time the players will stop streaming feeds to save network bandwidth.

Jitter buffer length, ms

Max download file time length, minutes

Set the total file download length permitted.


sparkle-fill (1) 1.svgAction Name


Import GIS data

Import GIS data from a external file. Supported file formats include xxx, yyyy, zzz.

Manage Avatars

Migrate Avatar

New Avatar

sparkle-fill (1) 1.svgAction Name


Old Avatar

Migrate Avatar

Migrating (transferring) existing camera enrollments and settings from one Avatar (old Avatar) to a new avatar.

(Example: Avatar Name “Purple-Intel-i7-10th-Generation” migrated to Avtar Name “Blue-Intel-i9-13th-Generation”).

Old Avatar

The old Avatars listed are eligible to be migrated. The enrolled cameras from the old Avatar will be migrated to the new selected Avatar, so the old Avatar can be removed. O

New Avatar

Migrating to a new Avatar will transfer all old Avatar contents to the new one.

Delete Avatar

sparkle-fill (1) 1.svgAction Name


Delete Avatar

Select an Avatar to remove from the system.


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Assign a name to the watch item.


Enter a description of the watch item.


Select whether to Alert, Event, Ignore the watch item when the system catches it.

  • Alert: The system will alert users of the watch item’s presence.

  • Event: The System will record that the watch item was seen as an event.

  • Ignore: The system will ignore the watch item. It will not store a record of the watch item.


Select the minimum accuracy required to generate an alert/event. Often around .40 or .50 (40% or 50%) confidence.

A higher confidence will generate less detections, but with higher confidence in those alerts. Lower confidence will generate more detections, but with less accuracy.

Default TTL (days)


Select whether to configure or delete a watch item.


table-fill (1) 1.svgColumn Name



Assign a name to the watch item. (Example: Bugs Bunny, Jimmy Hoffa, Bigfoot)


Enter a description of the watch item.


Select whether to Alert, Event, Ignore the watch item when the system catches it.

  • Alert: The system will alert users of the watch item’s presence.

  • Event: The System will record that the watch item was seen as an event.

  • Ignore: The system will ignore the watch item. It will not store a record of the watch item.


Default TTL (days)


Select whether to configure or delete a watch item.
